Blame it on the day job. Or rather, the night shift...
Yesterday started as any other. I went in to work at 3:30 so that I could help with chair covers. 9 hours later I was headed home. The only good thing about the night is that the bride and groom had the wedding of their dreams. Money Honey!
Me- I'm still half asleep. And I have to head back to work at 4.
Not a big fan of the job today...
"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." -James M. Barrie
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
My Grown Up Christmas List
Every Christmas, my mother gets after me to make a list she can give to Santa. I don't really want a lot of material things. This year I would like to ask Santa for things that you can't get from a store.
Dear Santa: All I Ask Is...
January 31, 2011 to be taken out of next year's calendar. That is the dark day where Carrie's second back surgery is scheduled. I am scared spit-less. (If I were a swearing woman, I would exchange the p for an h.)
[Carrie is trying to calm my nerves about the situation. Still, I keep hearing her surgeon, Doctor Smith, promising that he would take care of my sister and my family as I was leaving the hospital for the airport and London. A week later, to the day, I came home because Carrie was in a coma.]
If I can't skip the day, I ask for Carrie's surgery to be successful with no complications.
A hospital stay no longer than a week
Success in my dad's business
My grandmothers' pain to be controlled.
A full-time job for me
A man
And the only material wish---a car for me.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Hello. My name is Jenny Hortin and I'm a COLLEGE GRADUATE!
The day has come. I turned in my massive paper. I walked through the halls of OSH for the last time. I graduated. (as long as my paper gets a C or higher) Now what? ..........[]
I don't really have any plans at the moment. I will continue working at JSMB so I do have something. But a BA in English makes me slightly overqualified to be a banquet server for the rest of my life.
Today is my first day without school and work. The tension between my shoulder blades is slowly relaxing but my alumni status still doesn't feel real. I guess I will let you know when it does.
P.S. Anybody who would be willing to have a guest next season for tickets in the MUSS, let me know. I may be done with school, but I'm never done with Utah Football. At least not completely.
I don't really have any plans at the moment. I will continue working at JSMB so I do have something. But a BA in English makes me slightly overqualified to be a banquet server for the rest of my life.
Today is my first day without school and work. The tension between my shoulder blades is slowly relaxing but my alumni status still doesn't feel real. I guess I will let you know when it does.
P.S. Anybody who would be willing to have a guest next season for tickets in the MUSS, let me know. I may be done with school, but I'm never done with Utah Football. At least not completely.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
on my mind...
At work, I served in the Ambassador Room. It is saved for VIPs! I was excited to see my name listed to work the room, but I didn't recognize a single person. I suppose that is why they chose me to serve. There weren't any major hot shots. I'm not that big of a deal down at the JSMB. I just work there. Still, there was one gentleman on my side of the table that was dang good looking. I could dig his sugar... Tall, dark, handsome, with a foreign accent. Aleisha told me there was a guy in the room that had caused her heart to speed up a little but my first impression was just the side of his face. Meh. No big deal. Then, I went to clear his entree and he turned to thank me. He said, (with a nice spanish accent, btw) "Thank you very much," and I said, "You're welcome," but inside, all brain circuits flashed and sparked and shorted out. Guh....
And that was my excitement for today.
(I suppose the drunk that sat next to me on the Trax train was something of note. His breath stunk and he thought my copy of Shakespeare's sonnets was the Bible. I heaved a sigh of relief when he left.)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Nothing is Impossible.
I am grateful to the Relief Society Presidency for their lesson this past Sunday. It struck my heart. Each member took a participant of the nativity and discussed the courage it took for them to follow God's command. I am always amazed at Mary. She is living life, trying to do what is right, and one day an angel comes to speak to her. An angel!
"Hail, thou that are highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women...Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found favor with God."
I wonder at her emotions. I wonder at her range of feelings within seconds. And yet, she answers, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word." What an example of faith! She knew somewhat the situation she was diving into head first and still she accepted the calling.
I look at my life and realize that I need to take a page out of Mary's book. Exercise more faith, humility and patience. I see all these changes looming in front of me and I panic. Take a breath, Jen. You aren't being faced with the same magnitude of impossibilities. Things are how they are supposed to be. Everything will work out, one way or another.
I am so grateful for this time of year that reminds me the reason why I continue to try and do my best. I may not succeed often, but nothing is impossible with the Lord's help. I am thankful for His companionship and understanding.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Words to Live By This Christmas Season
He says it so much better than I ever could. I love this man of God.
(Please listen to all messages on
Monday, December 6, 2010
Happy Happy Birthday Mother Dear!!!
This month is such a special one! It's birthday time for you! I'd really like to celebrate this happy day with you! Zippidy-Aye and Hi-dey Ho! There's something I can do. I'll sing a song that we both know....Happy Birthday to You!
Ten Reasons I love my mother:
10- No matter the occasion, Mom can sing you a song. They make me smile.
9- Her laugh. When she laughs really hard, she doesn't make any noise, she just bounces up and down.
8- Her constantly positive attitude on life.
7- The way she loves my dad
6- Her perseverance. I don't know anyone that could handle everything that has been thrown in her path with so much love and grace.
5- The jokes that she thinks are hilarious...
4- The way she always understands.
3- Mom is a goof! Whatever the circumstance, she provides some way to put a smile on my face.
2- She will do anything for me or my sisters. Come around late at night and you will see.
1- Her testimony! She is a miracle and a tender mercy in my life.
I LOVE YOU Mom! I am so happy that I belong to you.
Ten Reasons I love my mother:
10- No matter the occasion, Mom can sing you a song. They make me smile.
9- Her laugh. When she laughs really hard, she doesn't make any noise, she just bounces up and down.
8- Her constantly positive attitude on life.
7- The way she loves my dad
6- Her perseverance. I don't know anyone that could handle everything that has been thrown in her path with so much love and grace.
5- The jokes that she thinks are hilarious...
4- The way she always understands.
3- Mom is a goof! Whatever the circumstance, she provides some way to put a smile on my face.
2- She will do anything for me or my sisters. Come around late at night and you will see.
1- Her testimony! She is a miracle and a tender mercy in my life.
I LOVE YOU Mom! I am so happy that I belong to you.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
So, amid the conflict, whether great or small, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED. GOD IS OVER ALL.
My mother always says, "Life is hard and then you die." As depressing as the statement is, I have always found some peace in it. Life is hard. For everyone. If you disagree, I'd like to see your life. But the comfort that I find is that I am not the only person that knows my life is hard. He knows. I am not alone. If only I could knock some sense into my brain every time I begin to think otherwise. My Heavenly Father tries my faith and my patience, but I am not alone. He is my constant companion while I work to come out the other side of a situation as a better person.
The whole reason for this train of thought? I am not going to be an intern with the Church Magazines. I am not going to try and understand it. Why? 1) It hurts too much. 2) I learned long ago that I am not the Director of my Three-Act Play. And 3) Trying to understand it leads me to question everything I've done until this point. In the midst of all my careful attempts to NOT get my hopes up too high, I did anyway. The job seemed perfect. I kept progressing to the next stage in the process. My interview went pretty well. At least I thought I was quite impressive. Obviously, I wasn't impressive enough. (That topic of conversation could be a post itself.) And now, an entire month later, I am going to be graduating in a month and I have no plans as of January 1st.
So now what? I don't know. But I do know that Somebody has a plan. I haven't been wasting my time and money on a pipe dream. I just keep going. And maybe, three weeks from now, I'll be wondering why I ever thought the Church Magazines internship was the place for me. Maybe...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Happy Birthday Maggie!!!
November 26th is a very important day of the year! Today is the anniversary of Maggie's birth. I am such of fan of hers.
Top 10 Reasons why I love my sister:
10- She is a wonderful friend.
9-When she laughs really hard, she squeals. It makes me happy.
8-The little things that she does to let me know she loves me
7- She makes me want to be a better person.
6- We are so similar that, at times, I think we share a brain.
5- Her constant support
4- She doesn't do anything halfway. Go big or go home.
3- I like the feeling of being someone's little sister. She takes great care of me.
2- Her testimony
1- And the number one reason I love my sister: She isn't afraid to be herself. And she rocks at it!
Happy Birthday dear sister! I love you very much! My world is a better place because you are in it.
Monday, November 22, 2010
November 20th is a Reason to Party!
(Pretend that it is Saturday)
My baby sister is now 15! Today is a miracle. A few months ago, my family didn't think that we would ever make it to today. I will forever be grateful for this little red-head in my life.
My baby sister is now 15! Today is a miracle. A few months ago, my family didn't think that we would ever make it to today. I will forever be grateful for this little red-head in my life.
Top 10 Reasons I Love This Girl:
10- She is as big a Utah football fan as I am
9- She is beautiful, inside and out
8- Only 15 and yet she has wisdom far beyond her years
7- She is such a goon!
6- The smallest thing makes her day.
5-She can always make me smile
4- Her laugh
3- Her hugs
2- The ways she lets me know that I am important to her
And most of all: 1- Carrie's Amazing Faith. This girl has moved mountains.
I love shoes...
I am now an owner of TOMS!
TOMS are a brand of shoes. When purchased, the company donates a pair of shoes to children in Third World countries. They are somewhat expensive, depending on your accounted budget to buy shoes. To me, the shoes are for tree-huggers. And over the past few years, I have come to consider myself one.
The first time that I saw the shoes, they were on the feet of my friend Carly Cahoon, aka Tangerine. I think that Tangerine is the coolest thing since sliced bread. I wish there were more people in the world like her. Since that is relatively impossible, I am more than content to be a friend of the original. Still, after my first sight of these particular brand of shoe, I wanted them. The cool kids wear TOMS, and I want to be a cool kid.
That first sighting was somewhere in January of 2009. (I may have forgotten the exact date, but it was around that time that we met.) For almost two years, they have been on my wish list. Not the sensible list, I categorized them instead on the “If Only…” list. I didn’t (think) that I would ever (be a cool kid). I kept seeing more and more people walking around in the blessed shoe. All that was accomplished was to increase my obsession. Due to my blog and the attitude that I can write whatever I want, the two lists combined somewhat a few weeks before my birthday. My dedicated reader of a sister, Maggie, saw them mentioned and made my dream come true! She let me pick the style and color, and since our schedules rarely mix for a shopping trip, I got them on Monday.
As I write this, I am wearing fuchsia pink corduroy TOMS. Like these: Every time I look down at my feet, it makes me smile. Ridiculously.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Everyday I Am Grateful for Miracles in My Life
I have been riding the rollercoaster lately.
School is ending and my emotions are pulling me every direction.
Another hospital stay doesn't seem so far out of reach.
I don't have any updates to give on the internship.
Only one event to work this week is not going to help my money supply very much.
Dad drove me all the way into class today so that I wouldn't be late.
I heard Carrie sing this morning as I helped her play her notes on the piano.
Running to the Trax train made me feel more alive than winded.
More than 7 hours of sleep is utter bliss.
Bonding with the sisters puts me in the best mood.
And all of that was just today. Can't wait for the sun to come up tomorrow and bring its own adventure...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Interviewing Time!
Yesterday in the middle of poetry class, I got a phone call. Not just any phone call. Melissa Merrill from the Church Magazines Editing Department gave me a call to inform me that my portfolio was impressive and the department would like to meet with me for an interview!!!
An interview! Can you believe it? I can't!
Still, I am attempting to not count my chickens before they hatch. I'll just say that if this works out, it would be perfect! The job is an internship with the Friend, New Era, Ensign, or Church News as an editor and writer. Each position is a little different, but the priority is editing! EDITING! I feel like shouting :)
(Actually, funny story. I went outside OSH to get the best service because everyone that knows me knows that my phone struggles. After I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but doing a little dance there in the middle of campus. Don't worry. I looked ridiculous but I didn't care!)
Any tips that anyone has to share? I have gotten this far too many times, thinking that everything is fantastic, and then it all falls apart. What should I wear? I don't have a business suit. Remember, I am still a poor college student. And Dad said to go super conservative, but going completely conservative isn't me. I know a skirt is a must. What do you think? I want to go shopping for a little something special. Any suggestions? I am completely open to any ideas.
An interview! Can you believe it? I can't!
Still, I am attempting to not count my chickens before they hatch. I'll just say that if this works out, it would be perfect! The job is an internship with the Friend, New Era, Ensign, or Church News as an editor and writer. Each position is a little different, but the priority is editing! EDITING! I feel like shouting :)
(Actually, funny story. I went outside OSH to get the best service because everyone that knows me knows that my phone struggles. After I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but doing a little dance there in the middle of campus. Don't worry. I looked ridiculous but I didn't care!)
Any tips that anyone has to share? I have gotten this far too many times, thinking that everything is fantastic, and then it all falls apart. What should I wear? I don't have a business suit. Remember, I am still a poor college student. And Dad said to go super conservative, but going completely conservative isn't me. I know a skirt is a must. What do you think? I want to go shopping for a little something special. Any suggestions? I am completely open to any ideas.
I have an interview on the 29th on the 24th Floor!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Whoa- Lots of Things Goin' On...
So I uploaded all the pictures that were wasting away on my camera and turns out, I have a busy life! Or at least have had one for the past few weeks.
Here are a few of the latest adventures:
Heather, me, and Karen |
I think Aldon is cut off...Then Adam, Mavin, and Heather again. We like to have our pictures taken! |
That same morning, my friend Sprout had her Mission Farewell! Oh Sprouter! Anyway, a good number of the Brighton crew got together for funness. I had to leave early for the fireside but had no idea that Bugle was going to be singing too. It was a great surprise to turn around and see her smiling face! Yay for Harmony and Bugle!
Ain't it great to be crazy??? Cause that's what we are.
My dear friends: Christine and Heather! (We're a club. Club Awesome!) |
And now a change of scenery- A big change of scenery. Still Utah Valley, but forever away. Have you ever been to Payson, Utah? Now I have! My dear friend Lexy lives there. A few weeks ago I experience it for myself.
Lexy and Spencer got married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was beautiful. No worries. Everyone got lost. Laurie was headed to Nephi. Kari and Angie tracked down a police officer and asked for directions. It was pure luck that I found it. FYI- there is no Exit 254.
Britt and Jen |
OMEGA FRIENDS! L-R: Kari, Angie, and Brittney |
We had a barbeque for the luncheon- hamburgers, hotdogs, and IBC Rootbeer. They ran out of hotdog buns so Britt got creative... |
"Tastes like a hotdog" |
The rootbeer was so fun! "Never had one of these before!" Don't worry Mom, just our usual buzz. No alcohol for us.
Payson has a WALMART!!!
We played around a little. Sure, people walked past and wondered, "Who are these girls?"
After we got back to the party, everything was set up and looked perfect. Britt and I walked around in awe. It was perfectly Lexy :)
More OMEGA FRIENDS! How I love these girls! Brett and Kristen |
(Sorry I can't turn it right....One of these days I'll learn how to do that) |
Monday, October 11, 2010
Yay October!!!
This blog is long overdue.
First of all, I can relate a funny story. Not so much funny as completely humiliating to me. I have a cold. I caught a cold from Carrie and have been suffering from all aspects of it since Thursday. Yesterday I took a day off and missed church and sat on the couch, blowing my nose, coughing, in pajamas for the whole day. Picture it, will you? I didn't brush my teeth. I didn't do my hair. I didn't change my clothes. I lay on the couch watching a rerun of Saturday morning conference and movies all day long. (I did bake the potatoes for the Break the Fast. Well, my mother did most of the work but I helped put them on the oven rack. So I did do something for my YSA responsibilities.) My family came home from church and we were about to sit down to dinner and....there was a knock on the door. I am between stages of consciousness and I hear two men at the door. No, not missionaries. Ryan Kent and Jubal Stewart!!! Came to see me and wish me well! Did I mention that I looked like crap?!
It was a nice visit. And I refused to look in the mirror the rest of the day. I refuse to know what I really looked like. My hair wasn't standing up in awkward places. I do know that. As for the rest of me, I can imagine- and it isn't pretty.
FYI to those men that really are being gentlemen like my two friends- CALL FIRST!!!
Second- I turned in my monstrous portfolio for my possible internship at the Church Magazines. Ah! I hope I get it. But I can't really get my hopes up too high because I've been burned too often before. Keep the prayers coming...
And it is FALL BREAK! YAY!
First of all, I can relate a funny story. Not so much funny as completely humiliating to me. I have a cold. I caught a cold from Carrie and have been suffering from all aspects of it since Thursday. Yesterday I took a day off and missed church and sat on the couch, blowing my nose, coughing, in pajamas for the whole day. Picture it, will you? I didn't brush my teeth. I didn't do my hair. I didn't change my clothes. I lay on the couch watching a rerun of Saturday morning conference and movies all day long. (I did bake the potatoes for the Break the Fast. Well, my mother did most of the work but I helped put them on the oven rack. So I did do something for my YSA responsibilities.) My family came home from church and we were about to sit down to dinner and....there was a knock on the door. I am between stages of consciousness and I hear two men at the door. No, not missionaries. Ryan Kent and Jubal Stewart!!! Came to see me and wish me well! Did I mention that I looked like crap?!
It was a nice visit. And I refused to look in the mirror the rest of the day. I refuse to know what I really looked like. My hair wasn't standing up in awkward places. I do know that. As for the rest of me, I can imagine- and it isn't pretty.
FYI to those men that really are being gentlemen like my two friends- CALL FIRST!!!
Second- I turned in my monstrous portfolio for my possible internship at the Church Magazines. Ah! I hope I get it. But I can't really get my hopes up too high because I've been burned too often before. Keep the prayers coming...
And it is FALL BREAK! YAY!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Life is a Rollercoaster Ride.
There are moments when I sit back and take a good long look at life. Every time, I'm surprised by what I see. Good times. Bad times. Those when you can't help but laugh and giggle. Those where all you can feel is pain. Mom always says, "Life is hard, and then you die."
Every time I start to feel this way, I try and look at the good things, at my tender mercies.
Today, these are my tender mercies:
My friend Pixel! If I started to explain, I'd go on forever. I simply LOVE this girl to the moon and back. (I love this picture. It is so us. I can't even remember what we were laughing about, but something must have been funny.)
My hero! I don't know how this girl does it, but she can always bring a smile to my face. She is the toughest girl I have ever met. Just sitting on the couch and watching Gilmore Girls for an hour becomes my favorite part of the day.
I love people. They are the ones that help me become a better person. They are the ones that change me for the better.
Every time I start to feel this way, I try and look at the good things, at my tender mercies.
Today, these are my tender mercies:
My friend Pixel! If I started to explain, I'd go on forever. I simply LOVE this girl to the moon and back. (I love this picture. It is so us. I can't even remember what we were laughing about, but something must have been funny.)
YELLOW!!!! Thanks so much for the chat the other day! It made my week. I love you Yellow, more than words can say :)
My London Friends! They are what made London worth all the trouble. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
And Last but most definately NOT least- My amazing family! They are always the tender mercy that brings me through. I love you!
I love people. They are the ones that help me become a better person. They are the ones that change me for the better.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
So, I'm two weeks into school and already I can feel the pressure building. I'm graduating. Soon. The more I say it, the more I think it will be real. It hasn't worked yet.
I walked into work today thinking that I had a long night of a wedding dinner ahead of me. Then realized that the wedding dinner is tomorrow. I feel like a dork. Good thing, because I am a dork.
Walking on campus gives me a funny feeling. I feel like it is where I should be, and then I go a whole day without seeing anyone that I know! That hasn't happened to me before. Not trying to brag about popularity or anything, because heaven knows, I've never had that.
I keep having thoughts that life is good, but once again, it isn't what I planned on. I just keep swimming. Too bad that it is swimming upstream.
Still, in all of that, there are moments when I get a glimpse of the good things in life. I just read a friend's blog where she listed all the little things that keep her going in a day. So here are some of mine:
-Only paying $147 for my tuition instead of the thousand that I was worried about. Pell Grants are great miracles!
-Getting butterflies
-New music on my iPod
-Running (Never thought I would list that as a positive)
-Catching up with highschool friends
-Knowing that I'm special to someone else, even with my dorkiness.
There are dozens of negatives that I could share. But who really wants to know all about those? A small nugget of wisdom that I have tried to live by: Smile before bed. You'll sleep better.
I walked into work today thinking that I had a long night of a wedding dinner ahead of me. Then realized that the wedding dinner is tomorrow. I feel like a dork. Good thing, because I am a dork.
Walking on campus gives me a funny feeling. I feel like it is where I should be, and then I go a whole day without seeing anyone that I know! That hasn't happened to me before. Not trying to brag about popularity or anything, because heaven knows, I've never had that.
I keep having thoughts that life is good, but once again, it isn't what I planned on. I just keep swimming. Too bad that it is swimming upstream.
Still, in all of that, there are moments when I get a glimpse of the good things in life. I just read a friend's blog where she listed all the little things that keep her going in a day. So here are some of mine:
-Only paying $147 for my tuition instead of the thousand that I was worried about. Pell Grants are great miracles!
-Getting butterflies
-New music on my iPod
-Running (Never thought I would list that as a positive)
-Catching up with highschool friends
-Knowing that I'm special to someone else, even with my dorkiness.
There are dozens of negatives that I could share. But who really wants to know all about those? A small nugget of wisdom that I have tried to live by: Smile before bed. You'll sleep better.
Monday, August 23, 2010
My Last First Day of School (at least for now)
in a word? SCARY!
But it actually felt like I never left. I don't know how that is possible because a bunch has happened since last spring semester.
Today I completely redid my schedule. Two hours in the library and the only thing that stayed the same was a class with Kaufman and friends. But this means I will be a member of Singers for another semester. (well, hopefully)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
I haven't seen a sunset for three days. Why? Because I've been locked in JSMB for everyone's wedding luncheon or reception. I have no idea why August is the wedding month in Utah. I keep thinking it should be June, but then what do I know?After 3 straight days of double shifts:
Is it really worth it for $8 an hour?
My feet hurt.
All my muscles are tight. A bubble bath sounds good right now...
I haven't seen family or friends for 3 whole days. JSMB- you're killing my social life.
Good thing I don't have to go back until Tuesday. We need a break from each other.
And I'll be watching the sunset tonight! Maybe with friends :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Happy Birthday to 19 days!
I am almost 23! Scary!!!
Sadly, this year, I'm afraid that it is going to be just another day. My mother usually gets after me to make a birthday list but I think this year, with everything that has gone on, I'll just keep wishing for things instead of giving a list. But---if I were to make a list, this is what I would wish for:
-a pair of Toms
-a day off work
-tuition money
-a party with my friends
-a haircut
-a pedicure
-new clothes
-a mode of transportation
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Highlights
It has been a crazy long time since I've posted. Reason being that my blog went on the fritz and I couldn't figure it out. Thanks to my wonderful sister Maggie, I'm back in business!
* First of all, Carrie is doing great. She is the miracle constantly in my life. Pretty soon, she'll be running circles around me.
* My best friend is engaged! Pixel (aka Jessica Taylor) is marrying Data (aka Doug Hendrickson) on November 19 and I couldn't be happier. I was priviledged to be able to go dress shopping this past week, and all I can say is that I wish I looked that good in a dress. I have gorgeous friends.
* Banquet Serving is a constant adventure. I'm so happy that I am meeting such wonderful people. Every event makes me smile. Well, almost every event. Either smile or grimace. And whenever my day happens- I want my luncheon to be on the 9th floor in the Harmony room. Seriously! How perfect is that??? It has my name and it has an AWESOME view of the temple. The room is smaller but more intimate. The kitchen is a beast on that floor, but I'm sure the servers working WHENEVER I get married can deal.
*BRIGHTON REUNION WAS AMAZING!!! I love that fact that even though I don't work there this summer, Brighton goes on forever. I'm always a part of it and it is always a part of me. Sounds a little cheesy, but I'm being completely sincere. I helped out some and felt a little bit of that ownership that I felt last year as a Program Director. I switched shoes with Splash so that she could climb up the perch- now that's true friendship. Love her! I was next to the Pixel as she led the Brownie Hike and it was amazing! Love her too! I hiked up Clayton's Peak (Jibber's Peak) for the sunrise and the sky was a BE-U-tiful shade of red. I bonded with Jeep and Kim who worked up at camp in the early 60s. I watched a 77 year old lady climb up the perch and realized I have no excuse for anything. If she can do that without a fret, I can do hard things too! I finally painted my name next to Rally in the Nibik from last year. I still have to paint it in the Pine, but I'll get to that sometime later. I loved when the committee did a "Remember When..." and we all sang songs together. All meaning- everyone that has ever worked at camp that was there. It was life changing. Quoting Pix- I love this moment! Then to top it off- the massive Shadows Creep that encompased the entire space between the rock and the barn. We even walked on the grass! (gasp! Don't tell Floss :) ) I love my Brighton friends, so dearly! And I will forever! Thanks gals and Maintenance men for constantly changing my life "for good."
*I spent Pioneer day with my best friends Darling and Jibber. We spent the weekend up in Logan at Willow Park and the American Heritage Center. I learned how to throw a tomahawk. Turns out I'm pretty good at it. The lasso throwing- not so much. We were able to go to a free Peter Brienholt concert. Usually he isn't my favorite, but I really liked listening to his music. More watching Jib's face when she figured out the song that was coming next by the first few notes or the intro. Sorry Peter. Your music's okay. Then to end the night and a great weekend we watched fireworks at Willow Park. We saved a spot but were too into the concert that we didn't have time to go all the way back to our chairs. We just laid down on some grass and truly had the best seats in the house.
So I guess- all in all- life is good. I'm still trying to figure out school and money and the job situation. And how NOT to fail in my calling. And boys...(what else is new...) But as my friend Asia says, "Everything comes out in the wash." I just have to work on my patience. Crap.
* First of all, Carrie is doing great. She is the miracle constantly in my life. Pretty soon, she'll be running circles around me.
* My best friend is engaged! Pixel (aka Jessica Taylor) is marrying Data (aka Doug Hendrickson) on November 19 and I couldn't be happier. I was priviledged to be able to go dress shopping this past week, and all I can say is that I wish I looked that good in a dress. I have gorgeous friends.
* Banquet Serving is a constant adventure. I'm so happy that I am meeting such wonderful people. Every event makes me smile. Well, almost every event. Either smile or grimace. And whenever my day happens- I want my luncheon to be on the 9th floor in the Harmony room. Seriously! How perfect is that??? It has my name and it has an AWESOME view of the temple. The room is smaller but more intimate. The kitchen is a beast on that floor, but I'm sure the servers working WHENEVER I get married can deal.
*BRIGHTON REUNION WAS AMAZING!!! I love that fact that even though I don't work there this summer, Brighton goes on forever. I'm always a part of it and it is always a part of me. Sounds a little cheesy, but I'm being completely sincere. I helped out some and felt a little bit of that ownership that I felt last year as a Program Director. I switched shoes with Splash so that she could climb up the perch- now that's true friendship. Love her! I was next to the Pixel as she led the Brownie Hike and it was amazing! Love her too! I hiked up Clayton's Peak (Jibber's Peak) for the sunrise and the sky was a BE-U-tiful shade of red. I bonded with Jeep and Kim who worked up at camp in the early 60s. I watched a 77 year old lady climb up the perch and realized I have no excuse for anything. If she can do that without a fret, I can do hard things too! I finally painted my name next to Rally in the Nibik from last year. I still have to paint it in the Pine, but I'll get to that sometime later. I loved when the committee did a "Remember When..." and we all sang songs together. All meaning- everyone that has ever worked at camp that was there. It was life changing. Quoting Pix- I love this moment! Then to top it off- the massive Shadows Creep that encompased the entire space between the rock and the barn. We even walked on the grass! (gasp! Don't tell Floss :) ) I love my Brighton friends, so dearly! And I will forever! Thanks gals and Maintenance men for constantly changing my life "for good."
*I spent Pioneer day with my best friends Darling and Jibber. We spent the weekend up in Logan at Willow Park and the American Heritage Center. I learned how to throw a tomahawk. Turns out I'm pretty good at it. The lasso throwing- not so much. We were able to go to a free Peter Brienholt concert. Usually he isn't my favorite, but I really liked listening to his music. More watching Jib's face when she figured out the song that was coming next by the first few notes or the intro. Sorry Peter. Your music's okay. Then to end the night and a great weekend we watched fireworks at Willow Park. We saved a spot but were too into the concert that we didn't have time to go all the way back to our chairs. We just laid down on some grass and truly had the best seats in the house.
So I guess- all in all- life is good. I'm still trying to figure out school and money and the job situation. And how NOT to fail in my calling. And boys...(what else is new...) But as my friend Asia says, "Everything comes out in the wash." I just have to work on my patience. Crap.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I am now a BANQUET SERVER!!!
So I finally got a job! Somebody liked me enough after the interview to hire me! I know, I was shocked as well.
I have been to the JSMB multiple times in my lifetime and thought it was pretty, but never as complicated as it truly is. I have a whole new understanding of the building.
For example, when you are just walking around and looking at all the pretty things, it seems pretty quiet, right? Well, If you take a right into the backstage area of white corridors, you find that that is the farthest thing from the truth. Dishes are constantly being washed. Employees are walking here and there. The Bakery is in constant commotion. It's a different world back there.
Then all of the Banquet rooms- I haven't even worked in all of them yet. The Wasatch is nice because it has the biggest kitchen- meaning lots of room so the servers aren't on each other's toes all day long. The Empire has no chairs in the kitchen so you are on your own to figure that one out. I thought that the Bonneville has the smallest kitchen known to man, and then I worked in the Mezzanine rooms. I was wrong. Tight spaces for multiple servers. It makes a work day VERY interesting.
My favorite story from the last three weeks: It was a wedding luncheon and I was responsible for the farther most tables in the room. I was re-juicing the table and one of the gentlemen gets my attention. I walked over and he said, "See that man in the suit on the front table? That is the father of the bride. Go up to him and say, 'Sir, you look like you could use a Diet Coke. May I get you one?' and then see what he says."
Um, okay. So I walk over to him and recite my script. The man almost bursted out of his chair. "YES! YES, PLEASE! You are my favorite waitress ever!"
(Yay me! Thanks to whatever-his-name-is of course.)
When I brought the said Diet Coke, the mother of the bride looked so frazzled. She turned to me and asked if we had regular Coke. Poor parents that need the caffeine.
The only problem with this job is that I see all of this couples that have just been married for time and all eternity and they look so happy. It makes me wonder about my time and all eternity. And honestly, how I would handle my wedding luncheon :)
After all, isn't it all about me???
I have been to the JSMB multiple times in my lifetime and thought it was pretty, but never as complicated as it truly is. I have a whole new understanding of the building.
For example, when you are just walking around and looking at all the pretty things, it seems pretty quiet, right? Well, If you take a right into the backstage area of white corridors, you find that that is the farthest thing from the truth. Dishes are constantly being washed. Employees are walking here and there. The Bakery is in constant commotion. It's a different world back there.
Then all of the Banquet rooms- I haven't even worked in all of them yet. The Wasatch is nice because it has the biggest kitchen- meaning lots of room so the servers aren't on each other's toes all day long. The Empire has no chairs in the kitchen so you are on your own to figure that one out. I thought that the Bonneville has the smallest kitchen known to man, and then I worked in the Mezzanine rooms. I was wrong. Tight spaces for multiple servers. It makes a work day VERY interesting.
My favorite story from the last three weeks: It was a wedding luncheon and I was responsible for the farther most tables in the room. I was re-juicing the table and one of the gentlemen gets my attention. I walked over and he said, "See that man in the suit on the front table? That is the father of the bride. Go up to him and say, 'Sir, you look like you could use a Diet Coke. May I get you one?' and then see what he says."
Um, okay. So I walk over to him and recite my script. The man almost bursted out of his chair. "YES! YES, PLEASE! You are my favorite waitress ever!"
(Yay me! Thanks to whatever-his-name-is of course.)
When I brought the said Diet Coke, the mother of the bride looked so frazzled. She turned to me and asked if we had regular Coke. Poor parents that need the caffeine.
The only problem with this job is that I see all of this couples that have just been married for time and all eternity and they look so happy. It makes me wonder about my time and all eternity. And honestly, how I would handle my wedding luncheon :)
After all, isn't it all about me???
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Few Things Are Better Than....
I love it when friends know how to cheer me up. I love the mountains. Beach- Whatev. Give me the mountains any day of the week.
Jib and I went hiking up Little Cottonwood. It was freezing cold and we hiked through the snow but we didn't care. We're hardcore.
+035.JPG)
+028.JPG)
By the end, we were almost as in love with Little Cottonwood as Big Cottonwood.....Almost:)
I love it when friends know how to cheer me up. I love the mountains. Beach- Whatev. Give me the mountains any day of the week.
Jib and I went hiking up Little Cottonwood. It was freezing cold and we hiked through the snow but we didn't care. We're hardcore.
By the end, we were almost as in love with Little Cottonwood as Big Cottonwood.....Almost:)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Change of Plans
I'm not in London anymore. One post and that's it.
Carrie took a sudden turn for the worse and I was called home. So I'm here in Utah again.
I wish I could understand the lot that I've been given, but I guess nobody does. I start to complain and then I realize that I'm not the one in the hospital bed stuck with needles and tubes. I don't have constant pain running from head to toe. I don't have nurses bugging me about breathing, or coughing, or my SATS. I don't have anything to complain about. Suck it up, Jen.
Please help us. Please pray for miracles. Heaven knows that we need them!
Carrie took a sudden turn for the worse and I was called home. So I'm here in Utah again.
I wish I could understand the lot that I've been given, but I guess nobody does. I start to complain and then I realize that I'm not the one in the hospital bed stuck with needles and tubes. I don't have constant pain running from head to toe. I don't have nurses bugging me about breathing, or coughing, or my SATS. I don't have anything to complain about. Suck it up, Jen.
Please help us. Please pray for miracles. Heaven knows that we need them!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Across the Pond...
I made it! I'm in London! Crazy to think about. I'm surrounded by British accents. Maybe I'll have one when I come home. Then again. maybe not.
The airplane ride wasn't fun but I wouldn't really call it miserable either. The first plane ride was from SLC to JFK. I sat next to a Japanese couple that slept for most of the three hours. The lady has the smallest bladder. Maybe it is a Japanese trait, but that was the one flaw with sitting on the aisle. No room. We got really close, really quick!
JFK is a complete zoo. It's a good thing that I can stalk behind everybody else that is going to London too. Off the plane, down an escalator, and onto a shuttle bus. Yes, the airport is big enough that you have to ride a bus from one terminal to the next. Sure, I'm sheltered.
After the bus, then it is up, up, up a gazillion ramps. JFK is the airport of the ramps. Then onto the plane. I felt like I was in Mom's movie- "Last Chance Harvey"- because the planes look exactly the same. Obviously, but still. I was once again on the aisle. And Missy was right- you can watch movies all the way across the water. I felt like I was in the Ritz version of an airplane, but it is probably old hat to a lot of people. They served us dinner- pasta(good, but it was more of a big square of goo. I just didn't look at it.), salad, brown roll, cracker and cheese, and a brownie/cake. I sat next to a gentleman who was traveling with his wife but they had a delay and were separated between rows. He was funny but kept making me nervous when we were delayed an hour to fix something on the plane. "We're never getting out of here!" Well, not with an attitude like that!
I attempted to watch Invictus, but I kept falling asleep. I don't know whether that is because it is a boring movie or whether it had already been a long time on a plane. I'm hoping it is the latter.
Then I watched Leap Year, and Young Victoria. Luckily, I had seen both already so it was okay to fall asleep. I was thinking about watching Avatar, but thought better of it when there was no one there to explain it to me if I did happen to fall asleep again.
Maggie, my pillow is pretty awesome! It took me a little while to get used to how it works, but it really did help me sleep better without the window to prop up against.
We finally landed and got into London and the first thing I noticed out the window was how green everything is! Trees everywhere. It's beautiful. The group got off the plane and showed our passports. Then good ole Ben became our Room Mother and led us onto the Heathrow Express. Every switch of the train and he made a headcount of the whole group. I actually made him nervous because he walked right past me and didn't count my head. Then he was frantically checking the other car. Funny boy. I'm right here.
Lauren said to take pictures of everything and not to delete any of them. I was pretty out of it yesterday, so I don't have very many pictures to show, but today I'm thinking my camera is going to get tired.

We took a taxi from Paddington Station to Regent's College. These taxis are awesome! Not yellow. Big black cars like in Anastasia and stuff. I feel like I'm back in the thirties or forties.

The college is nice. My room is the window on the First Floor (not the same in London apparently. The First Floor is not the Ground Floor. So in the US, you would say I'm on the second floor) right behind the big orange crane-y thing. Seems appropriate that I leave all the orange construction in Sandy to look out my window and still see orange. Actually, I think my room is slightly to the left. Just so you get the right one.
I'm surprised at all the people here. We went down to breakfast this morning and I didn't know that there were this many in the same college. We didn't see ANYBODY yesterday. Where did they all come from?
The park is beautiful with flowers everywhere. Not just any flowers- but tulips! I love tulips. So so much. Some of the group had a picnic yesterday for lunch right by the pond. There was a little girl playing with somekind of frisbee. I think it is a frisbee. It flies like one but it is made out of aluminum or something. She kept throwing it to her dad and the dad kept dropping it. Lauren and I laughed and kept saying that we wanted to play. Maybe we can find one down the street at the Sports store.
Then last night, we traveled down to the grocery store called Tesco. It is the smallest store I have ever seen. Even smaller than the one we went to in San Fran. I would guess that it is 1/16 the size of Reams on 7th East back home. I think there are only 4 aisles, each about 10 feet long. But they have Dove shampoo. It's the only shampoo. My hair is going to get a treat for a few weeks.
After Tesco, we went walking down Baker Street. EVERYTHING is named after Sherlock Holmes around here. Sherlock Holmes Museum is just out of Regents. Then there is a poster for a diner that is Sherlock Holmes approved, a Sherlock Holmes dinky little hotel, an elephant painted like Sherlock Holmes- it's like the moose that are all over Park City. They are all over Baker Street. Better believe I found one like Sherlock- even took pictures.

I haven't yet seen Big Ben and Parliament and the London Eye. Turns out it is a little further away than I thought, but we think we heard Big Ben chime 9 o'clock this morning. We heard a clock and choose to think it is Big Ben until proven otherwise.
Tonight, we are going to the Tate Modern and around Westminster! I'm so excited! Tom said there are acres of Monet. I love Impressionism. I'm jumping up and down just thinking that I get to see all this stuff!
I'll have to brush up on my blogging skills, but you'll hear all about my trip. Don't you worry :)
The airplane ride wasn't fun but I wouldn't really call it miserable either. The first plane ride was from SLC to JFK. I sat next to a Japanese couple that slept for most of the three hours. The lady has the smallest bladder. Maybe it is a Japanese trait, but that was the one flaw with sitting on the aisle. No room. We got really close, really quick!
JFK is a complete zoo. It's a good thing that I can stalk behind everybody else that is going to London too. Off the plane, down an escalator, and onto a shuttle bus. Yes, the airport is big enough that you have to ride a bus from one terminal to the next. Sure, I'm sheltered.
After the bus, then it is up, up, up a gazillion ramps. JFK is the airport of the ramps. Then onto the plane. I felt like I was in Mom's movie- "Last Chance Harvey"- because the planes look exactly the same. Obviously, but still. I was once again on the aisle. And Missy was right- you can watch movies all the way across the water. I felt like I was in the Ritz version of an airplane, but it is probably old hat to a lot of people. They served us dinner- pasta(good, but it was more of a big square of goo. I just didn't look at it.), salad, brown roll, cracker and cheese, and a brownie/cake. I sat next to a gentleman who was traveling with his wife but they had a delay and were separated between rows. He was funny but kept making me nervous when we were delayed an hour to fix something on the plane. "We're never getting out of here!" Well, not with an attitude like that!
I attempted to watch Invictus, but I kept falling asleep. I don't know whether that is because it is a boring movie or whether it had already been a long time on a plane. I'm hoping it is the latter.
Then I watched Leap Year, and Young Victoria. Luckily, I had seen both already so it was okay to fall asleep. I was thinking about watching Avatar, but thought better of it when there was no one there to explain it to me if I did happen to fall asleep again.
Maggie, my pillow is pretty awesome! It took me a little while to get used to how it works, but it really did help me sleep better without the window to prop up against.
We finally landed and got into London and the first thing I noticed out the window was how green everything is! Trees everywhere. It's beautiful. The group got off the plane and showed our passports. Then good ole Ben became our Room Mother and led us onto the Heathrow Express. Every switch of the train and he made a headcount of the whole group. I actually made him nervous because he walked right past me and didn't count my head. Then he was frantically checking the other car. Funny boy. I'm right here.
Lauren said to take pictures of everything and not to delete any of them. I was pretty out of it yesterday, so I don't have very many pictures to show, but today I'm thinking my camera is going to get tired.
We took a taxi from Paddington Station to Regent's College. These taxis are awesome! Not yellow. Big black cars like in Anastasia and stuff. I feel like I'm back in the thirties or forties.
The college is nice. My room is the window on the First Floor (not the same in London apparently. The First Floor is not the Ground Floor. So in the US, you would say I'm on the second floor) right behind the big orange crane-y thing. Seems appropriate that I leave all the orange construction in Sandy to look out my window and still see orange. Actually, I think my room is slightly to the left. Just so you get the right one.
I'm surprised at all the people here. We went down to breakfast this morning and I didn't know that there were this many in the same college. We didn't see ANYBODY yesterday. Where did they all come from?
The park is beautiful with flowers everywhere. Not just any flowers- but tulips! I love tulips. So so much. Some of the group had a picnic yesterday for lunch right by the pond. There was a little girl playing with somekind of frisbee. I think it is a frisbee. It flies like one but it is made out of aluminum or something. She kept throwing it to her dad and the dad kept dropping it. Lauren and I laughed and kept saying that we wanted to play. Maybe we can find one down the street at the Sports store.
Then last night, we traveled down to the grocery store called Tesco. It is the smallest store I have ever seen. Even smaller than the one we went to in San Fran. I would guess that it is 1/16 the size of Reams on 7th East back home. I think there are only 4 aisles, each about 10 feet long. But they have Dove shampoo. It's the only shampoo. My hair is going to get a treat for a few weeks.
After Tesco, we went walking down Baker Street. EVERYTHING is named after Sherlock Holmes around here. Sherlock Holmes Museum is just out of Regents. Then there is a poster for a diner that is Sherlock Holmes approved, a Sherlock Holmes dinky little hotel, an elephant painted like Sherlock Holmes- it's like the moose that are all over Park City. They are all over Baker Street. Better believe I found one like Sherlock- even took pictures.
I haven't yet seen Big Ben and Parliament and the London Eye. Turns out it is a little further away than I thought, but we think we heard Big Ben chime 9 o'clock this morning. We heard a clock and choose to think it is Big Ben until proven otherwise.
Tonight, we are going to the Tate Modern and around Westminster! I'm so excited! Tom said there are acres of Monet. I love Impressionism. I'm jumping up and down just thinking that I get to see all this stuff!
I'll have to brush up on my blogging skills, but you'll hear all about my trip. Don't you worry :)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
I LOVE....

(Don't you think daisies are the happiest flower?
I do.)
Sam Weller's. I have been riding past it for the past four years on the trax train and never gone in. Last night, I was with friends and we had a few extra minutes before Laughing Stock so we wandered over. I love it. Books, Books, and more Books! I'm in paradise!
Choir Friends! I love being able to bear testimony with some of the greatest people I have ever met. Few things are better than that.
Missionary Farewells. Bandana- you are awesome! I love you!
Sunday afternoons spent watching movies. Prince Caspian isn't my all time favorite movie, but it sure is fun to watch. Especially since it is one of those movies where I don't have to think too hard. I save those for when I'm more awake.
my Crazy Crazy CRAZy family. Yep, that's where I get it from :D
Happiness is great and Life is Grand!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I bought the tickets today! A full thousand dollars later- I'm broke.
But it will totally be worth it. :D
I'm living in Regent's Park:

I'm planning on almost living in all the museums. Rembrandt. Monet. Renaissance. Modernism. ALL OF IT!

Why Hello Double Decker Bus! Would you give me a ride?

So PRETTY! So EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I'm actually going to be a world traveler. I have a passport now. I feel just like Sandra Bullock in While You Were Sleeping- I'm going to have a stamp in my passport!
But it will totally be worth it. :D
I'm living in Regent's Park:

I'm planning on almost living in all the museums. Rembrandt. Monet. Renaissance. Modernism. ALL OF IT!

Why Hello Double Decker Bus! Would you give me a ride?

So PRETTY! So EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I'm actually going to be a world traveler. I have a passport now. I feel just like Sandra Bullock in While You Were Sleeping- I'm going to have a stamp in my passport!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
There is Nothing Like a Good Friend!!!
This picture has been on my mind. It was in 2008 at Brighton, a week where I learned much and gave all. The week was coming to an end, and I was exhausted in every sense of the word. I was on my way back up the hill to get to camp for the last meeting, and Roo stopped me. She said that I should rest, and that she would carry me the rest of the way. It never seems to fail that when I can't move anymore, I can't take the curve balls, I am utterly exhausted, that my friends save my life.
I have been greatly blessed! I get bogged down with the ups and downs of life's cycle that too often I forget. But the past few days, I have realized that few people in the world are as lucky as me! People are placed in our lives for a reason. For sure.
Things have been rocky. I don't need to bore you with the details, especially since the past few posts have been some downers. But- these last few days helped to put the troubles on the back burner. Starting Thursday. I went through my usual activities and was able to see Splash, Ketchup, Floss, Penelope, Carebear, and all my other new/old Brighton friends! I don't know what it is about Brighton that teaches you how to give a really good hug, but they are All Star Hugs. Thank you Splash! For everything! You know me better than I know myself sometimes. :)
Then, Friday was an All Star performance of a day all by itself. A friend bought a house. Another friend came in from out of town. She had a party which meant that I could see friends that I haven't seen in forever! Needless to say, I had been looking forward to this Friday for weeks.
So my story: I don't have classes on Friday morning. It is just the way that things worked out this year. So, after another crazy good, crazy crazy week at school, I spent the morning in my pajamas. Carrie doesn't go to school until 9 o'clock on Fridays so we chilled and watched Jungle Book. I read. I exercised. I played with my guitar. Then, I rode the train into to go to choir. I love choir. Things make sense in my head when I have the chance to sing such songs as "Abide with Me, tis Eventide" and "Come Unto Him." There are such great people in choir. We laugh. We sing. We tease. Lovely.
After choir, Pixel and I hung out at her house. No intricate plans. But I've realized that those are the times that I love the best. Just doing whatever. We had to make a stop at the grocery store and I saw a Red Box. Oh how I love the Red Box, mostly because I love movies. They had just released Sherlock Holmes through Red Box and I mentioned that I had never seen it before and really wanted to. Pixel let me know that she had the movie at her house! There we were, just hangin'- I learned how to make a quesadilla (not hard, but I've only seriously cooked Sunday Dinner and anything in a Dutch Oven. I've never made a quesadilla before. Yes, Pix, I know you still can't believe my mad skills.)-we made awesome Andes Mints cookies that we have been planning for months. The chocolate was a little old, but still made wonderful cookies! I ate way too many while we watched Sherlock Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes? IS AWESOME! I don't know why I went so long without watching it. I completely loved it! I also liked watching it after reading some Holmes stories. Yes, they aren't exactly on point, but they have the basics down, so it is obviously a Holmes movie. At least in my opinion. I think Conan Doyle would approve.
I have a problem with being silent in movies. I'll warn you that up front. I like to talk in movies. It is a fact. So, we were watching the movie (me- for the first time/ Pixel for NOT the first time) and she kept laughing at my reactions to things. I fell for every ploy the director planned to make the audience all confused. Sometimes I can beat the movie to the big plot twist. Not this time. Not even close. If you haven't seen this movie(I doubt there are many of you. I'm behind the times with this one) GO AND SEE IT!!!
And if that wasn't enough to realize how blessed I am to have wonderful people in my life, we drove down south to Jibber's house warming party and life just got better! While Numero, Muda, and Eagle were in the backseat, I was the entertainment for the trip. Sometimes it would be better if I just kept my mouth shut. Really though! I can't even remember half of the moments where I was just plain ridiculous. One having to do with not remembering that the part in your ear is called an ear drum. So in my attempt to fix my ridiculous sentence, I made it worse.
It was so great to see these wonderful people. These people who constantly make my life better. Who make me a better person. Who are some of my heroes!
Murder in the Dark. Fruit Pizza. New Bangs. GREAT FRIENDS!!! Thank you for reminding me of the good things in life. I've been stuck thinking of too many other things. This post is a huge shout out to ALL my friends- old, new, destined by blood or happenstance. I love your gutz!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Pessimist?? Me???

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
~Sir Winston Churchill
I found this quote on a friend's blog and it sums up my life completely. I like to think of myself as the optimist in the scenario, but that may not always be true :)
Isn't Winston Churchill so smart? I'd like to meet him. Maybe we would be friends.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Adventure-Seeker Looking for Excitement!

I'm craving some adventure. I want some excitement. It is the start of another downhill slope of another semester. I go to class and do my homework. I go and sing in choir. I beat my brains out trying to be smart enough for this English major that I have chosen. I really do enjoy it and am finding out more and more the total nerdiness factor that I possess. (For instance, no professor would like the sentence I just wrote....Oh well, they aren't going to read this.)
But I want some adventure. I want some excitement! I am not working at my home away from home this summer and it makes me sad. What do I do now?
I feel slightly stuck in a cycle. I want to do the right things for me. I don't want to cause more trouble than is needed. Still- I have an inkling to live dangerously. Well, what would be dangerous in my standards. No Mom, I won't dye my hair pink or go bungy-jumping off of something 100 feet in the air. I won't do something stupid. I probably won't do anything.
Sad day.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Je suis pauvre.....

I really am serious about going to London.
The closer it comes and the more I talk about it, the more right it feels.
Along with that comes the fear of money. I hate money. I always have hated money because I have grown up with the fact that money is often hard to come by. It has made me a stronger person, of course, but I don't want it to make me a cynic.
I believe that London is the right thing for this summer. I feel good about it. I really do.
But right now, I'm getting worried about fundings. Pray. Pray really hard. Maybe a loan is worth it....................
I wish I was a millionaire. These are the times when I wish life were different. I like my life, but small things get in the way. Money???? Please????
*Everything will work out*
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Week of Firsts- Such a Neat Idea
The background to the story is this: I was riding the trax train home last fall with my friend Cyndi and she told me about a week that she spent doing things that she had never done before. I thought that was such an awesome idea. She went and tried all the flavors of icecream at 31 Flavors. She bought a pair of skater shoes. She went fishing with a friend. All somewhat ordinary things but it made what might have been an ordinary week extraordinary.
This week is Spring Break for the University of Utah and I'm all about trying new things. I couldn't go on vacation this spring because I'm saving money for other adventures later but trying new things are still possible here in Sandy.
For example, I tried sushi for the first time tonight. I don't really know how I feel about it. It was definitely a different experience and I felt somewhat hip for being a twenty-something. I think I might have to try it again to really be in love with the situation, but it was good for the first time. And I only had to go downtown to Ichiban. There's a Happy Hour I can live with.
I may not be able to do new things the whole week through. It might take a month to accomplish some, but here is a list of things I would really like to do that I haven't done before. If you have any ideas, feel free to add to the list!
(Turns out that I have done a bunch in the last few days that I didn't realize. Yay me!)
-Sushi (check)
-buy new red Keds (check)
-Visit Daughters of the Utah Pioneers(check)
-eat at the Bay Leaf (check)
-watch The Blind Side
-write a song on the guitar/ or at least start
-go running (I've done it before, just not for awhile)
-Festival of Colors and actually experience the colors part
-go shopping in Sugarhouse through all the little unique shops
-bike ride
-get a bike to ride
-visit the Red Butte Gardens
-Clark Planetarium
-get my hair cut
-bake something
This week is Spring Break for the University of Utah and I'm all about trying new things. I couldn't go on vacation this spring because I'm saving money for other adventures later but trying new things are still possible here in Sandy.
For example, I tried sushi for the first time tonight. I don't really know how I feel about it. It was definitely a different experience and I felt somewhat hip for being a twenty-something. I think I might have to try it again to really be in love with the situation, but it was good for the first time. And I only had to go downtown to Ichiban. There's a Happy Hour I can live with.
I may not be able to do new things the whole week through. It might take a month to accomplish some, but here is a list of things I would really like to do that I haven't done before. If you have any ideas, feel free to add to the list!
(Turns out that I have done a bunch in the last few days that I didn't realize. Yay me!)
-Sushi (check)
-buy new red Keds (check)
-Visit Daughters of the Utah Pioneers(check)
-eat at the Bay Leaf (check)
-watch The Blind Side
-write a song on the guitar/ or at least start
-go running (I've done it before, just not for awhile)
-Festival of Colors and actually experience the colors part
-go shopping in Sugarhouse through all the little unique shops
-bike ride
-get a bike to ride
-visit the Red Butte Gardens
-Clark Planetarium
-get my hair cut
-bake something

Monday, March 22, 2010
It is Monday- March 22. Do you know what this means???
I think I'm a little excited.........and secretly in love with Evan Lysacek :)
I think I'm a little excited.........and secretly in love with Evan Lysacek :)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Marathon Boys, Not a Sprint
I started this past week telling Maggie that I didn't think that I would make it all the way through. She reminded me that time keeps going. Eventually, you'll make it.
True- but really, this week kicked my trash.
Monday: I was responsible for the devotional in choir and spent the whole day thinking about what I wanted to say. It was a great way to start the week.
Tuesday: Turned in my midterm to Straley
-study group for the presentation on Thursday
-London intro meeting (found out that I knew a good portion of the people who are going. Kathryn Harmon is going to be my roommate!!!)
-back to study group
-Talent show for evening choir
Wednesday: ONE CLEAR VOICE!!!! and bonding with Brighton friends
- three hours working on presentation slides
- saw Duke in the library
- missed choir :(
Thursday: spent the whole day getting ready for my presentation
-read and reread the Cixous essay
-made friends with Penelope :)
Friday: Laundry at Oma's
but I didn't like the topic of our conversation
-Red Robin with friends
-Talent show!!!!! So fun!
Jenny's Adventures 101.
True- but really, this week kicked my trash.
Monday: I was responsible for the devotional in choir and spent the whole day thinking about what I wanted to say. It was a great way to start the week.
Tuesday: Turned in my midterm to Straley
-study group for the presentation on Thursday
-London intro meeting (found out that I knew a good portion of the people who are going. Kathryn Harmon is going to be my roommate!!!)
-back to study group
-Talent show for evening choir
Wednesday: ONE CLEAR VOICE!!!! and bonding with Brighton friends
- three hours working on presentation slides
- saw Duke in the library
- missed choir :(
Thursday: spent the whole day getting ready for my presentation
-read and reread the Cixous essay
-made friends with Penelope :)
Friday: Laundry at Oma's
but I didn't like the topic of our conversation
-Red Robin with friends
-Talent show!!!!! So fun!
Jenny's Adventures 101.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Victor Borge is my hero!
Welcome to the joy I find in Victor Borge. There was a commemoration for the past 100 years that he has been making people laugh, and I remembered just how great this guy is! Enjoy :)
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
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