Sunday, September 19, 2010

Life is a Rollercoaster Ride.

There are moments when I sit back and take a good long look at life. Every time, I'm surprised by what I see. Good times. Bad times. Those when you can't help but laugh and giggle. Those where all you can feel is pain. Mom always says, "Life is hard, and then you die."
Every time I start to feel this way, I try and look at the good things, at my tender mercies.
Today, these are my tender mercies:

My friend Pixel! If I started to explain, I'd go on forever. I simply LOVE this girl to the moon and back. (I love this picture. It is so us. I can't even remember what we were laughing about, but something must have been funny.)

YELLOW!!!! Thanks so much for the chat the other day! It made my week. I love you Yellow, more than words can say :)

My hero! I don't know how this girl does it, but she can always bring a smile to my face. She is the toughest girl I have ever met. Just sitting on the couch and watching Gilmore Girls for an hour becomes my favorite part of the day.

My London Friends! They are what made London worth all the trouble. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

And Last but most definately NOT least- My amazing family! They are always the tender mercy that brings me through. I love you!

I love people. They are the ones that help me become a better person. They are the ones that change me for the better.

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