Every time I start to feel this way, I try and look at the good things, at my tender mercies.
Today, these are my tender mercies:
My friend Pixel! If I started to explain, I'd go on forever. I simply LOVE this girl to the moon and back. (I love this picture. It is so us. I can't even remember what we were laughing about, but something must have been funny.)
YELLOW!!!! Thanks so much for the chat the other day! It made my week. I love you Yellow, more than words can say :)
My London Friends! They are what made London worth all the trouble. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
And Last but most definately NOT least- My amazing family! They are always the tender mercy that brings me through. I love you!
I love people. They are the ones that help me become a better person. They are the ones that change me for the better.
YAY London friends! Love love that picture.