Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hello. My name is Jenny Hortin and I'm a COLLEGE GRADUATE!

The day has come. I turned in my massive paper. I walked through the halls of OSH for the last time. I graduated. (as long as my paper gets a C or higher) Now what? ..........[]

I don't really have any plans at the moment. I will continue working at JSMB so I do have something. But a BA in English makes me slightly overqualified to be a banquet server for the rest of my life.

Today is my first day without school and work. The tension between my shoulder blades is slowly relaxing but my alumni status still doesn't feel real. I guess I will let you know when it does.

P.S. Anybody who would be willing to have a guest next season for tickets in the MUSS, let me know. I may be done with school, but I'm never done with Utah Football. At least not completely.


  1. I'm so happy for you! This means we need to celebrate!

  2. Oooh... if you get to sit in the MUSS and I don't... I will be so very sad. I'm thinking I need to look into season tickets. Yes, we're Utah football addicts. :)
    Did you know that I get tension between my shoulder blades when I'm very stressed too? You probably did.
