Wednesday, February 8, 2012, thank you?

(Poor neglected bloggy blog....I'm back.)

Happy February!!!

In honor of my current case of singledom, I present this story:

A few weeks ago, my dad moved into a nice new office and so I moved to a different cubicle. My new space is smaller but I am surrounded by lovely people who actually talk! My new friend, Debbie, has the cubicle behind mine and the other day we were talking about this and that and another, and she asks me,
" Jenny, are you dating anyone?"
I answer, "No, I'm not." 
(not as a "pity me", more of "it's a fact") 
She responds with "REALLY?! You're such a cute little thing!"

What is the proper response?

"I know! I'm simply fantastic?!"
"Aren't men silly that they haven't found me yet?"
"You know of any men that might be interested in someone as cute and little as me?"
"um,...thank you."

I think I mumbled an awkward thank you and then moved on to other things, but the story still makes me smile. So to those of the male persuasion, I'm little and cute, and apparently, I should be dating. :)
This is all presented with a slight tone of sarcasm. Please don't think I'm really this desperate. Just a smile for your day and mine.

1 comment:

  1. Love that story! I'm not sure if I told you this, but right before Christmas, I delivered my homemade chocolate chip cookies to Gloria and Marianne. Marianne looks at the cookies all wrapped up so nicely and says, "Look at you, the cute little homemaker."
    "I know," I said, "It's amazing I'm not married."
