Thursday, February 9, 2012

totem pole status

I have now worked as part of Deseret Book for slightly over a month. I have talked with Sheri a few times (She is the Deseret Book version of Cher. She requires no last name.), once involving a bright orange construction vest, hard hat and safety goggles. Sheri was decked out, not me. I have contributed to the LDS Living casserole competition and won fourth place. I have talked with Jack Weyland, Michael McLean, Chris Heimerdinger, and church members all throughout the US. I helped two young men in London submit their product to the buyers for consideration and one mentioned that he would like to meet me during his next jaunt across the pond... I've met Elder Groberg, Sister Oaks, and Elder Tingey. I wished a few coworkers a good meeting as they walked across the street to meet with Elder Holland. I helped deliver a letter to the Executive Office from President Uchtdorf. I sat and talked with Keith, the BIG VP, about Hagermann's and he laughed at one of my dumb jokes. I have about half the names down for the whole building, but if you asked me the job title of anyone, I'd have no idea. I haven't set fire to anything although I may have sent phone calls to wrong people and called Suzanne, Bonnie, and Allison in a panic a number of times on different occasions. Mike saved my bacon when submitting my timecard and I couldn't remember the password that I, myself, created. I have learned that talking about the weather for 5 seconds is still talking and making connections, so please, weather, give me something to work with. (I chuckle every time someone leaves the elevator smiling, looks out the doors, sees the rain, and says, "It's raining." I know. I've sat here for the past twenty minutes watching it.) I was told that the Church is true in Alabama and responded with, "Yes, the Church is true everywhere." An older lady called and yelled at me because I couldn't help her order books with a coupon. I sent a package to Jimmer Fredette in Sacramento. (So there, all you BYUers.) A man came in and called me, "one of those..." after I told him I graduated from the U. Liz, Jed the VP's assistant, replied that the two of us would have to go purse shopping one day soon.

I am still unimportant on the totem pole, whether that means I'm at the bottom or the top, I can't remember. I would fail in totem pole jeopardy. But I am "growing up" according to Jillian and loving every minute of it!

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