Thursday, February 23, 2012

awkward and awesome

Yes, my life is just that great that I would have stories for both awkward and awesome. And quite often.

-Saturday afternoon, I took my best friend out for her birthday. It was a bit after the fact, but we are busy women. We enjoyed mandarin chicken at Panda Express and then headed over to Draper Peaks for some wandering. The wandering concluded at Ross because neither one of us has much money to spare and Ross is cheap! I can't quite handle that store and am reminded of the fact every time I walk in. It feels like Deseret Industries except that the clothes have yet to be contaminated by a stranger's armpit stains. [Yes, it's gross. You know it to be true as much as I do.] We found a few items that were worth a second look, but nothing that truly warranted opening our wallets. On our way out, a man stopped me and asked if I had attended Alta High. When I said that I had, he proceeded to mention that he remembered me but couldn't remember my name. He continued to talk to me for a few seconds as I tried to cut the conversation short. Finally, I heaved a sigh of relief as we parted and I escaped. Did I say escaped? Wrong-o! We started to head out, but were exiting out the entrance and Pixel decided that we probably exit the building in the proper manner. We turned around and started heading for the actual exit when I realize that we are walking right in front of "Awkward Boy." I smiled in what I thought was a "Hey- we just talked and I'm glad that's over. See you never" smile and he stops me again! Once again, I stood dumbfounded as he jumped right to the point.
Awkward Boy: Jenny, are you dating anyone?
me: Uh, um... no. [I never know how to answer when asked that question. In reality, I'm not dating anyone. That is the truth and I am a terrible liar. That and the fact that if I were to lie to his face, I would feel horrible about it for weeks after.]
Awkward Boy: Would you like to go out sometime?
 You can probably guess how the rest of the story goes. Yes, he got my number. And it was the real one, not a fake to throw him off. Luckily, Pixel told me that if he calls, I could always say that I have plans with her and Doug to delay the process of yet another pity date.
Update: this happened a few weeks ago and he still hasn't called. Maybe he really did notice the "deer in the headlights" look I couldn't hide.

-Another gentleman, who I might have an interest in, sat and talked with me (YAY!) but texted another girl the entire time.(Dang!)

-That moment when you ask, "how are you?" and the other person stares at you waiting for you to respond because it turns out you said the same thing at the exact same time.... That, or when you attempt to practice small talk and your questions have nothing to do with the other person's answers. True statement.

- A delivery man from Les Olson said that I have great hair...Was he trying to hit on me?!

-I like to sing. Most the time, I can sing. Sunday, however, during the closing song I struggled like I haven't struggled in a very long time. We were singing "Have I Done Any Good?" for the closing hymn and for the life of me, I couldn't keep the alto pitch. I don't know what my problem was but I seriously sounded tone deaf. I think it was because I needed a laugh. I got one :)

-With Monday off, I was able to hang out with the Sandy Crew at the Tulip for some much needed friend time. Those friends are all so great! A few of us might be going to Moab in a few weekends and I couldn't be more excited! I hope it happens.

-Also on Monday, Maggie treated the family to ice cream because she is kissing a boy. It was Dad's request and I loved it. An almond fudge shake from Iceberg can chase all your troubles away. Although, I've heard kissing a boy can do wonders as well...

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha. I think another trip to that Sandy Ross is just what we need. He never called? Lame! I mean good... Wait, what?
