Thursday, February 23, 2012

fashion blog?

I added a button a few weeks ago saying that I was a fashion blogger and have yet to post anything about fashion or the what, how, or why behind the fashion choices I do make. The problem is not that I don't like my wardrobe or that I don't have things to share. The problem is that I am not the stereotypical size 4 model that has her husband take all her fashion pictures.

Not. Even. Close.

I have curves. A friend of mine often refers to them as my "womanly curves" and how I should be proud of them. So I will use that as my incentive. Maybe looking more closely at the what and how will help me great a better perspective on the fear of looking in the mirror.

You have to admit that any day is ten times better when you like your outfit. Maybe that's just me...I consider fashion to be one of my hobbies. Getting dressed can sometimes be a pain while I stand there, staring at my closet, waiting for inspiration. I have looked to Pinterest more than once to get the creative juices flowing and past fashion blogs opened me up to a world of new possibilities. It has also turned into a family affair as I turn to my 17 and 16 year old sisters when I draw a complete blank. The days when I come up with something they like all by my lonesome is a great day indeed! I thought I might share. You can never have too much of a good thing, right?

Anyways, look forward to pictures and a fashion post every now and then. I write that here because then I can't keep avoiding the idea. Or here's hoping...

awkward and awesome

Yes, my life is just that great that I would have stories for both awkward and awesome. And quite often.

-Saturday afternoon, I took my best friend out for her birthday. It was a bit after the fact, but we are busy women. We enjoyed mandarin chicken at Panda Express and then headed over to Draper Peaks for some wandering. The wandering concluded at Ross because neither one of us has much money to spare and Ross is cheap! I can't quite handle that store and am reminded of the fact every time I walk in. It feels like Deseret Industries except that the clothes have yet to be contaminated by a stranger's armpit stains. [Yes, it's gross. You know it to be true as much as I do.] We found a few items that were worth a second look, but nothing that truly warranted opening our wallets. On our way out, a man stopped me and asked if I had attended Alta High. When I said that I had, he proceeded to mention that he remembered me but couldn't remember my name. He continued to talk to me for a few seconds as I tried to cut the conversation short. Finally, I heaved a sigh of relief as we parted and I escaped. Did I say escaped? Wrong-o! We started to head out, but were exiting out the entrance and Pixel decided that we probably exit the building in the proper manner. We turned around and started heading for the actual exit when I realize that we are walking right in front of "Awkward Boy." I smiled in what I thought was a "Hey- we just talked and I'm glad that's over. See you never" smile and he stops me again! Once again, I stood dumbfounded as he jumped right to the point.
Awkward Boy: Jenny, are you dating anyone?
me: Uh, um... no. [I never know how to answer when asked that question. In reality, I'm not dating anyone. That is the truth and I am a terrible liar. That and the fact that if I were to lie to his face, I would feel horrible about it for weeks after.]
Awkward Boy: Would you like to go out sometime?
 You can probably guess how the rest of the story goes. Yes, he got my number. And it was the real one, not a fake to throw him off. Luckily, Pixel told me that if he calls, I could always say that I have plans with her and Doug to delay the process of yet another pity date.
Update: this happened a few weeks ago and he still hasn't called. Maybe he really did notice the "deer in the headlights" look I couldn't hide.

-Another gentleman, who I might have an interest in, sat and talked with me (YAY!) but texted another girl the entire time.(Dang!)

-That moment when you ask, "how are you?" and the other person stares at you waiting for you to respond because it turns out you said the same thing at the exact same time.... That, or when you attempt to practice small talk and your questions have nothing to do with the other person's answers. True statement.

- A delivery man from Les Olson said that I have great hair...Was he trying to hit on me?!

-I like to sing. Most the time, I can sing. Sunday, however, during the closing song I struggled like I haven't struggled in a very long time. We were singing "Have I Done Any Good?" for the closing hymn and for the life of me, I couldn't keep the alto pitch. I don't know what my problem was but I seriously sounded tone deaf. I think it was because I needed a laugh. I got one :)

-With Monday off, I was able to hang out with the Sandy Crew at the Tulip for some much needed friend time. Those friends are all so great! A few of us might be going to Moab in a few weekends and I couldn't be more excited! I hope it happens.

-Also on Monday, Maggie treated the family to ice cream because she is kissing a boy. It was Dad's request and I loved it. An almond fudge shake from Iceberg can chase all your troubles away. Although, I've heard kissing a boy can do wonders as well...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

ten years later...

Salt Lake City. 2002. 

Those words will forever bring a smile to my face and sweet reminisces to my memory. I was an awkward fourteen year old and I became obsessed with everything Olympic. My family froze with grins wider than ever as we sat on 13th East to watch the torch make its way to Rice Eccles. I sat and watched every night and smiled every time an image of the temple broadcasted across the world. I feel a personal connection to Apollo Anton Ohno, Jimmy Shaye, Sarah Hughes, and my personal favorites, Jamie Sale and David Pelletier.

My family watched a few days ago as past Olympians attempted to light the torch again. If you weren't able to watch, don't be too alarmed. The torch didn't light up on camera. There was an awkward moment when the tv crew didn't know what to do: Wait for it, wait for it....maybe we'll go to commercial...and then wait some more. At one point, it was lit. I don't know how or when or who finally fixed it, but that old piece of metal was ready to shine again.

Confession: I may be the Canadian skaters', Sale and Pelletier, BIGGEST fan. Or I was. Or I will proclaim myself the biggest fan and if anyone wants to fight me for it, look out! I watched everything! I printed out a copy of the double death spiral that they did with the Russians and had it hanging in my locker. I seriously considered buying something from Roots that year to support. I may or may not own a small Canadian flag somewhere in my room from those glorious weeks of life. And to prove myself just that nerdy, I own the VHS of the Figure Skating Competition and the Figure Skating Exhibition. I cannot remember if I bought this gem or my mother did, but I have been reliving the best moments for the past few days.

Moments like this one:

In the middle of last week, I received an email from Sonia saying that we had received 200 free tickets to the anniversary event at ESA on the 18th and would I like some? Seriously?!?! Sadly, I knew I had to work that night and would have to miss it but my mom was super excited about it. A few days earlier, she had looked up prices for tickets and was disappointed when they were far too much money and it seemed we wouldn't be able to take part. I decided I would look past my disappointment and treat my parents and sisters to a great night. Maggie and Carrie were able to go with my parents while Melanie had to also be responsible and hold down the fort at the Bead Fairy.

They came home with shining smiles. I missed Sale and Pelletier again. My dream could not come true. At least, not that dream. Oh well, life moves on and the fact that my family had a wonderful time makes everything worth it.

That and watching my videos. If Salt Lake is really wanting the Olympics in the future, I am fully behind that idea. This time, I could do more than just watch them on tv. :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

things i love thursday

I am obsessed with scarves and I may have to splurge and add this to my collection. The spring green with red polka dots is calling my name!

Glow Kouture
I found this blog thanks to my friend, Kari. She has a great blog too that you should go and check out. :)

Mormon Tabernacle Choir cds 
I have a hard time listening to one CD over and over again, but this drawer of endless MoTab keeps me happy for days on end. The only problem is that I have to keep myself from singing along too loudly...

tiny conversations that don't involve the weather! 
So many times, employees walk in and out of the lobby with only a "Hi. How are you?" and are walking too fast to wait for my answer. I can't count how many times I've said, "Great!" to a closed door. Every now and then, there are moments when these busy people have more than a split second to share with me. I live for those moments at work. 

It is becoming my version of Diet Coke. I leave for work with my badge and my "cup of joe," or rather,  my bottle of fruit juice.

drooling over outfits like this one 
I really just want to go shopping!!! Without a sale, this is FAR out of my price range.

attending Forum with my younger sister and protecting her from crazy, old men...

the idea of being snuggled up with a good book
I love books and I will read almost anything. Friends, any suggestions?


Applications are in. Interviews begin in a day and a half! Brighton will begin in about a month! Holy Smokes, I'm so excited!

Friday, February 10, 2012


Yesterday while I was walking to work, I suddenly heard music start to play, filling the air of South Temple. In the small courtyard area between the downtown DB store and the Blue Lemon, I witnessed a flash mob! While watching, I saw a number of people that work in my building! It was Laurel C.'s birthday yesterday!!!! If you don't know who she is, that's okay. I didn't either until a few weeks ago. She works with Time Out for Women, a department within Corporate and everyone loves her. So much so that they dressed up and looked completely ridiculous just for her big day!

I witnessed the beginning and watched a practice, so I wasn't there for the full performance since I had to work. The lobby was buzzing with people coming to see her reaction and watch the show. I have never watched so many purses as a favor in my life. 

The plan started when Laurel went out to lunch with Hillary Weeks. Hillary was totally in on the whole thing. Everyone danced to her song, "Past the Point." Sadly, Laurel wasn't feeling great and didn't want to go anywhere. After fighting Laurel to get out of the car, Jasen Wade (the male lead in 17 Miracles) walked out of the lobby and said something like, "So, I hear it's your birthday...." Laurel freaked and it was so fun to watch! Then, Jason led her over to the courtyard for the flash mob! I can't believe that they planned this out and it went so well. What a great way to celebrate a birthday!!!!!!!

I provided the youtube video for you. The beginning is hard to see because it was closer to the office than the courtyard, but you get the gist. Watch Laurel. She makes me smile.

This is where I work in the afternoons- with all these amazing people. I'm still getting to know them and most have no idea who I am, but if this is how they celebrate birthdays, I couldn't be more excited to rub shoulders with them. And Sheri was out among the crowd. No doubts about that!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

totem pole status

I have now worked as part of Deseret Book for slightly over a month. I have talked with Sheri a few times (She is the Deseret Book version of Cher. She requires no last name.), once involving a bright orange construction vest, hard hat and safety goggles. Sheri was decked out, not me. I have contributed to the LDS Living casserole competition and won fourth place. I have talked with Jack Weyland, Michael McLean, Chris Heimerdinger, and church members all throughout the US. I helped two young men in London submit their product to the buyers for consideration and one mentioned that he would like to meet me during his next jaunt across the pond... I've met Elder Groberg, Sister Oaks, and Elder Tingey. I wished a few coworkers a good meeting as they walked across the street to meet with Elder Holland. I helped deliver a letter to the Executive Office from President Uchtdorf. I sat and talked with Keith, the BIG VP, about Hagermann's and he laughed at one of my dumb jokes. I have about half the names down for the whole building, but if you asked me the job title of anyone, I'd have no idea. I haven't set fire to anything although I may have sent phone calls to wrong people and called Suzanne, Bonnie, and Allison in a panic a number of times on different occasions. Mike saved my bacon when submitting my timecard and I couldn't remember the password that I, myself, created. I have learned that talking about the weather for 5 seconds is still talking and making connections, so please, weather, give me something to work with. (I chuckle every time someone leaves the elevator smiling, looks out the doors, sees the rain, and says, "It's raining." I know. I've sat here for the past twenty minutes watching it.) I was told that the Church is true in Alabama and responded with, "Yes, the Church is true everywhere." An older lady called and yelled at me because I couldn't help her order books with a coupon. I sent a package to Jimmer Fredette in Sacramento. (So there, all you BYUers.) A man came in and called me, "one of those..." after I told him I graduated from the U. Liz, Jed the VP's assistant, replied that the two of us would have to go purse shopping one day soon.

I am still unimportant on the totem pole, whether that means I'm at the bottom or the top, I can't remember. I would fail in totem pole jeopardy. But I am "growing up" according to Jillian and loving every minute of it!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012, thank you?

(Poor neglected bloggy blog....I'm back.)

Happy February!!!

In honor of my current case of singledom, I present this story:

A few weeks ago, my dad moved into a nice new office and so I moved to a different cubicle. My new space is smaller but I am surrounded by lovely people who actually talk! My new friend, Debbie, has the cubicle behind mine and the other day we were talking about this and that and another, and she asks me,
" Jenny, are you dating anyone?"
I answer, "No, I'm not." 
(not as a "pity me", more of "it's a fact") 
She responds with "REALLY?! You're such a cute little thing!"

What is the proper response?

"I know! I'm simply fantastic?!"
"Aren't men silly that they haven't found me yet?"
"You know of any men that might be interested in someone as cute and little as me?"
"um,...thank you."

I think I mumbled an awkward thank you and then moved on to other things, but the story still makes me smile. So to those of the male persuasion, I'm little and cute, and apparently, I should be dating. :)
This is all presented with a slight tone of sarcasm. Please don't think I'm really this desperate. Just a smile for your day and mine.