Wednesday, January 25, 2012

awkward and awesome

It is time for another installment of Awkward and Awesome! Aren't you so excited?

- The elevator on the right keeps stopping on the first floor and opening for no reason. I didn't hit the button. Still, it opens and closes on its own. I think it is just trying to keep me on my toes.

- While sitting in sacrament meeting late in the afternoon and after not eating for six hours, my stomach audibly grumbles.

- Trying to downplay my grumbling stomach failed as the guy I was sitting next to whispers, "Was that your stomach?"

- Same sacrament meeting, I was sitting on one of the back rows. In the middle of the speakers, the couple in front of me began to get strangely affectionate. The girl pinched the guy's cheeks, stuck her finger in his ear, and I am quite certain she tried to pick his nose! I wouldn't have noticed except for the fact that this was going on right in my view of the speaker. I couldn't help myself. I laughed, though not out loud, thank heavens! The guy sitting next to me had an even better view! It got to the point where we couldn't look up or at each other

- After the meeting ended, a girlfriend of mine walked up behind me while I was still there with my friends. She touched my face and swept the hair out of my eyes and remarked, "You're so beautiful." Um, thanks...

- During a frustrating phone call, a friend walks through the lobby making me chuckle. The lady on the line asks, "Are you laughing at me?!" No!!! Oh shoot. Way to make a bad situation worse.

- Ward FHE: playing Glow in the Dark volleyball with a ball that no one can see...ends with poor Jenn (not me) getting a blow right to the chest from Jake. Whoops!

- There is an AWESOME view of the temple from my desk! You should all be jealous.

- I handed Alex Boye parking validations today. He is such a nice guy.

- Kinda awesome: Sheri (She is too cool to have a last name around these parts) walked through the lobby today. I've been here just over a week and this is the first time I've seen her. She didn't really see me, though. I think she has a one track mind.

- Did I mention the laughing uncontrollably in sacrament meeting? We really tried to focus on the speakers! Promise!  

- I've been listening to Jenny Oaks Baker's Wish Upon a Star cd for two days straight now and it is simply fantastic! You need this album.

- Brighton has officially begun and I couldn't be more excited! Spending a few days with the ladies in the presidency started my week out right. It doesn't matter what age you are, you can still giggle late into the night with the right people.

- I love working downtown! I love being a part of Joseph Smith Memorial Building and knowing my way around. I love walking past Temple Square every day and seeing the temple illuminated by the sunset. I have yet to eat at Blue Lemon with my employee discount, but I'm sure that is just a matter of time.

-Whoever is reading this- You're awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Please take me with you when you go to the Blue Lemon! Yum!
