Thursday, January 5, 2012

awkward and awesome

- Yesterday at work, I overheard a complete conversation about a coworker's problems with his intestine. No joke! That was five minutes I will never get back.
- running into things: walls, doors, other people
- Story: I was asked by Miranda, along with the rest of the members of the presidency, to teach a quick section of the Relief Society Declaration. My small part was towards the end of class and I was fully realizing how little time was left and how much I wanted to say. So I went for it. Going for it, while I teach, involves me singing. Loudly. Without realizing that that was what I was going to do... The sisters laughed and I just kept going. At least I am entertaining, I guess. I told my mom and sisters about it and they are still laughing.

- Any time the family is gathered around the dinner table, awesome things come out of people's mouths. Today happened to belong to my dad. Out of context, it may not have the same effect, but image MY FATHER speaking while plugging his nose. I know, right? Then, tonight we were talking about temple recommends and Dad was sure he knew what he was talking about, then suddenly exclaims, "Wait, who are we talking about?!"
- Sharing falling stories after Presidency meeting last night! I'm sure it involved my ugly laughing face.
- a day off to watch movies and sleep (while still playing nurse the the younger sister)
- reminders that friends are never too far away to care about me---thanks guys! You know who you are, and I think you're awesome!

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