Friday, July 1, 2011

missing harmony

Four years ago, I became Harmony. I started working up at Brighton LDS Girls' Camp. The more I think about it, the more I miss what that name means to me. I miss being counselor to twelve year old girls and watching as they learn more about themselves and their potential. I miss being responsible for the upkeep of my home away from home. I miss feeling hardcore and dealing with mud and shovels and fire and bugs and little critters. I miss sleeping out under the stars, or at least pretending to sleep under the stars. I miss having 30+ best friends within walking distance.

Hearing my name, or the multiple nicknames on my nickname, makes me feel like a million bucks.  Harmony has changed me in more ways than I can explain but it is still easier to be Harmony while up the canyon than down here in the valley. Life up in the mountains is the greatest thing I have ever done.

2007- my first sunrise experience

2008- Walking up Guardsman

Me and my campers- one of my most memorable weeks

My first A&B, counselor of mountaineers

Super PD Harmony 2009

Processing Legend

Just a peek into the experience that made me who I am. The biggest thing I learned during my three years at camp is that I can do hard things. The hardest times are the ones that make the biggest difference. They are the ones that I value the most. That, and the amazing friends that I made along the way; the friends that I will keep forever. I love you guys to the moon and back! 

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