Tuesday, October 4, 2011

whopper ice cream

I didn't know it existed either. And let me tell you, I think it tastes better than actual whoppers.

Story: I was feeling homesick for my good friend, Pixel. It worked out last week that our schedules could mesh for a night in with yummy dinner and a movie. Doug didn't have to work so it was a great night of me hanging out at their place. You would think I would feel like the third wheel in this situation, but I don't. That factt makes me like Doug even that much more. I'm so grateful for their friendship!

The night was super chill. Pixel and I caught up about life.... And by that I mean that I talked while she cooked and Doug chimed in every now and again from the living room. I may be turning again to Mr. and Mrs. Hendriksen for dating advice. We ate dinner and headed into the family room to use their new projector for a movie when Pixel said that she felt in the mood for ice cream. Not even a block away, they have a small convenience store. At the moment, I can't remember what it is called.... The three of us walked over and got some delicious Whopper Ice Cream! You need to try this stuff. I'm serious!

When deciding what movie to watch, we found Some Like It Hot on Netflix. Pixel hadn't seen it yet so we preceded to laugh and giggle at Jack Lemmon as he and Tony Curtis play girls.

The night was simply delightful. It is unanimous that we will have to repeat it again in the near future!

1 comment:

  1. Shop N Go! We need to do it again and again and again until you get to have the chocolate and mint ice cream. It's even better!
