Tuesday, October 4, 2011

back tracking

So much going on in the life of Jenny Hortin! I have missed my little blog here. Ergo: here's a little of the goings on.

As a Presidency, we decided that we would plan a little retreat for the sisters in our ward. The idea came from a stake get-together where we were talking to other Relief Societies about success stories. We headed up to Midway to the Davis cabin. It turned into another activity where I plan for a large number and we barely break 15. BUT, I still had a blast!

Our retreat was the 16th and the 17th. How perfect that the Holy War transferred over to the retreat since it was the night before the game. Watch out ladies....we know how this ends.

The weather was crazy the night that we drove up. Whitney and I had a moment or two were we stared, open-mouthed, at all the water on the road. Obviously we got there and back safely. Still, it rained all night long. We planned to have a fire with smores outside at the fire pit. Lucky for us, the cabin had a fireplace. Thanks to our resourcefulness, we still made it work.

Miranda and me...

Now that's what I call a s'more! "First you take the mallow..."

Kara and Rachel

Nicole, Kiera and Sister Wells

We had an awesome time singing and playing with the player piano in the front room. It is a little more tiring than I thought it would be. But still great fun! 

Sister Davis knew so many old time musicals and old songs. She is so sweet! I'm so glad that we get to work together!

 My great friend, Whitney, is an awesome photographer! Look how cool that is-

(No mocking of my pajamas....or my socks. You're all just jealous.)

 Oh, hello Whitney. That is priceless!

We had so much fun playing games and watching How to Train Your Dragon late at night. The next morning, just sitting around the table, I learned more than ever about the wonderful sisters in my ward. My favorite: Whitney asked everyone the weirdest thing they ever ran over while driving.... And what have you run over Miss Whitney?

On the way out of the cabin, I had too much fun taking pictures. I love the fall and the bright colors! Especially the fire orange leaves.

Before we headed out of Heber Valley, Whitney and I made a trip into Heber for lunch at Dairy Keen and shortbread cookies from Days Market. If you haven't eaten at the Dairy Keen, you need to! It is in the middle of Main Street. You can't miss it. And you shouldn't!

It had been awhile since I had been to eat there. When we walked in, they had these drink dispensers that are computerized. I didn't know that there were so many options for Diet Coke or Lemonade. I had way too much fun with mixed drinks.

Thank you, Brother and Sister Davis for letting us use your cabin. Thanks especially, sisters, for an awesome night!

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