Saturday, April 21, 2012

left my heart

6 days from today, I will be hanging out in SAN FRANCISCO with my sisters, Melanie and Maggie!

 Oh my heavens, I am so excited!

Melanie is getting ready to take her AP Art History test in the next few weeks which means that it is time for the big San Fran trip with Ms. Hughes! Melanie was nice enough to allow both Maggie and me to come along as chaperones!!!!! Last week, I ran up to Alta for the mandatory information meeting and was sent back 6 years (Holy Crap! I graduated from highschool 6 years ago! Man, that makes me feel old....) ago to when I was the student going for my first time and just barely starting this addiction I have to art. Since then, this will be my third trip. Maggie and I spent my first Spring Break in college roaming the streets and having a grand ole time. Both of us can't wait until we can share our addiction to such a wonderful city with Mellie-

We have already planned out a good portion of the trip thanks to Ms. Hughes. Our itinerary includes three, yes, THREE art museums: the DeYoung, Legion of Honor and MOMA, and trips to Grace Cathedral, Glide Memorial, Lombard Street, Fisherman's Wharf, Union Square, Chinatown, and a bike ride across the Golden Gate Bridge! (Never done that before.) We'll ride cable cars, watch the sea lions, see Alcatraz from afar, shout "Hallelujah" with homeless friends at Glide Memorial, walk up and down the crazy hills until our feet fall off, eat Bourdin sourdough, indulge ourselves at Ghiradelli Square, and drop some cash in the boutique stores off the boardwalk. I can't wait to get on a plane and head out there! Aren't you jealous?

P.S. Sorry Brighton and DB. I'll be home soon!


  1. Yes, I'm so jealous! I knew you were heading there, but reading about you describe it makes me want to jump in your suitcase! Oh my, how incredible! Take lots of pictures!
