Friday, April 13, 2012

ah, shoot....

Here's my story: I want to get in shape. I'd really like to lose some pounds but let's be realistic- the priority is to get in shape. I have Brighton starting in 8 weeks and when the time comes, I need to be able to run up Hernia Hill at a moment's notice. I want to be able to be accessible to my staff without being lazy and using the four wheeler. Truly, with my luck, the four wheeler won't work for three-fourths of the summer anyways.

So I've started going to the gym more regularly. When I say more regularly, that is being generous. I have a gym membership to Gold's and have had it for some time but I rarely use it. I get the bill every once in awhile and think, "For this much money, I NEED to go to the gym," and then not much changes. I have been using the On Demand feature on my TV but they changed the workouts and now I only like the kick-boxing lady. So I finally decided to "man up," stick a gym bag in my car, and go before going home after work.

The whole point to this post is that I was cornered at the gym earlier this week as I was walking in and a man named Jeff (I should mention that he looked like he could kill me with his thumb) asked if I had been able to go over my goals and whatever else and if I would like to have a session with a personal trainer....blah, blah, blah. So I said yes. I mean, why not? He said it would be free...This whole thing happens tonight and now I'm panicking! I don't workout around people. I go to the Cardio Cinema because it is dark!!!! Hello! I know how to use some of the machines because I took a weight training course in college, but I am too self conscious to go and use them next to massive body builders and swim suit models. I am neither. And now I am going to go to the gym and see exactly how out of shape I am. What was I thinking?!?!

Well, it's been nice knowing you! I hope I see you after tonight's escapades....

P.S. Any tips you may have are more than welcome!


  1. Dear friend,

    I think we should work out together. Remember how I get off work at 6:30ish and then I want to remember to go to the gym. If I had someone to meet I think I might go more often. What are your thoughts on this idea? Would you like to be my gym partner some days in the week? I would like that.

  2. HAHA this is cute :) I'm sure you did fine!!! keep your goals a priority! may we all get in shape for Brighton! love your blog!
