Confession: Until recently, I have only read the first book in
The Hunger Games series. When the book first came out, I was so caught up in the hype and the excitement of family, friends, and the New York Times, I went and bought my own copy. As warned, I devoured it and became consumed by "the boy with the bread." I have always been a Peeta fan although I wished he would show some sort of backbone in the first book. A problem arose that kept me from finishing all three like a fiend because I only had a copy of the first book. I read with such vengeance that you would expect that I couldn't rest until I had finished the entire series. However, that was not the case. I don't know whether I was simply stubborn because I decided to go against the hungry crowd, lazy because didn't want to fight the library for a copy, or broke because I couldn't buy the next addition...Whatever the case, I didn't read the last two novels until about two weeks ago. Don't judge.
Another confession: The movie came out and everything changed.
I wasn't planning on going to the movie. Then, my friend Laura said it would be fun to go on a Tuesday when Century 16 has matinee prices in the evening. If I can get a deal and hang out with good company, hey, I'm in! My sister, Melanie, went for the midnight showing and LOVED it! She kept talking about it over the weekend and made me more excited to go. Once Melanie shows overwhelming interest in something, it's contagious! The movie came out on Friday and I went the following Tuesday. There went all my stubbornness of going against the crowd. Suddenly I'm a follower...
The hype was back in full force. The Saturday after the movie came out, I shanghaied Melanie into letting me borrow her Kindle and letting me read
Catching Fire. I spent most of the morning reading when I should have been doing a number of other things. It was past lunch when I decided to take a break and then I realized I had read until Chapter 12! Thanks to Jury Duty, I finished the book in record time. That night, I went and saw the movie.
The movie was AMAZING....
if you've read the books. I sat between Laura and Shannon, neither of whom had read the books, and they spent the entire second half of the movie appalled. There were moments when I covered my eyes (Again, don't judge) because I don't like violence. I don't like watching people get hurt. "Then, Jenny, why did you go to the movie?" Um, I dunno. But I liked it. A lot. In fact, I would be more than willing to go and watch it again.
Now I have read the entire series. And I am a big fan. A BIG FAN! Forget Stephenie Meyer, (although I forgot about her years ago) read Suzanne Collins. I read this friend's blog and completely agree when she said that being an English major, you become a trained reader. I started reading for the thrill, which was great, but take a step away from that and really look at what the characters are, how they evolve, how Collins covers all possible complications, it makes the book even that much better. I know that most readers are disappointed in the third book, but I liked it. I liked seeing how the story unfolds when Katniss and Peeta are on opposite sides. I also love how Collins didn't miss an opportunity to play with Peeta and what happens when he has no choice but to let the Capitol change him. I loved everything, absolutely everything about the series, EXCEPT for the last 10 pages. I was sad at the climax, but, reading with my English novel-expect the worst for the better of the plot mindset, it made sense. What I wanted was another conversation between Katniss and Peeta. Personally, I felt like there were a few strands left hanging out in the wind. Did Peeta come back or doe he spend every waking moment wondering if life is real? I know that Katniss mentions something but I want to read it from his point of view. Then, all the sudden, Gale is in District 2. I'm not a Gale fan but that seemed awfully sudden. Overall, I hate how she closes so many major details in a simple sentence. Bah!
Dear Suzanne,
You worked so hard over three books to make such wonderful characters. Why are you selling them short?
Love me.
And yes, I plan on owning the entire series and adding it to my library of a bedroom.
Last confession: I am slightly obsessed with Josh Hutcherson's jaw....