Monday, May 16, 2011

things i love

Once again, I forgot my own tradition of "things I love Thursday." My apologies for anyone who is thoroughly put out by my forgetfulness. Although I'm sure that that number is possible to count on one hand. I am learning that work is getting crazy much faster than I anticipated. So many people getting married! Slow down a little, will ya? This whole "food captain" thing is becoming a full-time gig.


-I've worked for JSMB for almost a year now and I finally got my first email posted on the board in the linen room! The routine for work involves walking past this certain board to get an apron and see the day's roster. All the servers see it. I'm not really looking for a pat on the back or attention from my fellow servers. Just once in awhile, it is nice to know that people think I do a good job. Especially when there is a weekly reminder where I remember all the things that I could be doing better. This email just stuck it to the man. That's right. I'm a great Captain!
(Probably helped that the bride was sister to Mindy Gerritson, a friend of mine from sorority. Still, I'll take it.)

-Tonight is the season finale for two of my ALL-TIME favorite shows! Castle and Chuck! Think what you would like but I live by the motto, "Go big or Go home." I have to keep reminding myself that the characters are not real. Rick Castle and Chuck Bartowski do not exist outside my TV or my computer. Yet, I love them! Check these shows out. You won't be disappointed ;)

- The King's Speech! My family went after graduation (story to come) and I absolutely loved it! I love stories of the conquering underdog. The music is fantastic with Colin Firth in a very different role than I have ever seen him play. I completely understand now where his Oscar nomination and victory is warranted. I really want to add this movie to my growing collection.

- With all my free time (ha!) I'm remembering just how much I love to read! My two current favorites: Bulletproof Mascara by Bethany Maines and For One More Day by Mitch Albom. Very different books but both wonderful reads. I think I may start my own Mitch Albom fan club. I love his spin of everyday subjects. Amazing and heartwarming and delicious. That's what I said. It's a delicious read. Bulletproof Mascara has some language. Beware.

- On Saturday, I got together with friends and we watched the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables. Yes, it is the one with Nick Jonas. His performance was okay but definitely not my favorite. My favorites were the actors who played Jean Valjean, Fantine, and Javert. Eponine was pretty fantastic too, but you have to be fantastic to sing my favorite song. Dallin fell in love with her "mesmerizing eyebrows." I like to think if we met in real life that we would be friends.

Alfie Boe's performance melted my heart, especially his rendition of Bring Him Home.

All love! 
Love Love Love!

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