Tuesday, May 17, 2011

oh man, oh man!

I mentioned yesterday that I love Castle and Chuck. I don't think that is a surprise to anyone who knows me or happens to read my blog. And yet, last night I remembered exactly why I love them so much. Seriously, you need to watch these shows. If you haven't heard of either, I have the first two series of Castle on DVD and the first and third of Chuck, so party at my house and we can take care of that.

Last night I kept reminding my younger sisters the countdown until Castle started. Carrie found a teaser on the internet that made the anticipation that much worse. As soon as it started, I stayed planted on the couch, only talking during commercials. That is a large feat for me. I always talk through movies and TV. The further it went, the more tense I became. My muscles tensed up. I was swaying the same way my dad does when a sports game gets to be too intense.

After it was over, I couldn't sit still. I had to pace around the room. See the episode and then you will understand. I'm not going to give any spoilers here.

And now, I am laughing at myself. Never fails. Every single time I find a show that I like, I become obsessed.

My Obsessions, Past and Present:
West Wing
Gilmore Girls
First 5 seasons of Grey's Anatomy
Dancing With the Stars
Glee (the obsession ebbs with the level of yuckiness)
American Dreams

Great writing. Twists and turns. Clever pop culture references. Humor. Cute guys. Awesome music. All are my recipe for a show to make the list.

This season of Castle was epic! Watch it. WATCH IT! 
The season finale is on the same level as West Wing's Two Cathedrals.
I'm such a sucker for TV. I'll work on that.

1 comment:

  1. You're not alone in being a sucker for TV! It must run in the family! ~Alli
