Friday, March 9, 2012

happy march

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much has been going on in this little life of mine. I've been trying to work three part time jobs and get Brighton up and running at the same time. The stake activity that took months to plan is over and done, accomplished with flying colors. The Relief Society Presidency is working on our RS Birthday activity in two weeks from yesterday. My social life has taken a little bit of a hit but never fear, things are about to calm down, although just a little bit.

This Saturday is very likely my last day working as a JSMB banquet server. I finally pulled the plug. With all of the events that are scheduled during Saturdays for the next few months, there is no way I can do both. Even without Brighton coming into play, it was really becoming too hard to keep going. I felt disconnected from the other servers by working one day a week and every time I did work, I felt a little rusty. I was disappointed with myself after every shift. I am slightly worried about the money situation, but the answer, I hope, lies with my dad and being more responsible in my hours at MassMutual. Everything works out, right? Right.

I went into Laurel's office a few days ago. I still can't believe how nice the supervisors become when you start threatening to quit. She complimented me again and again and said how much she has loved working with me. I wonder what Amy would have said if I told her that I was done. Interesting...

Brighton is just about to be in full swing. Tomorrow is the official Kick-off with the Brighton Representatives and then next Saturday is our official Welcome Party. I CANNOT WAIT! Our staff is going to be amazing this summer, no doubt about that. Change is going to be a good thing for camp. Not that we are changing a whole bunch, but we are updating a few things and getting rid of the needless stuff. Zim is such a wonderful president and she has truly looked over all of camp and seen what we need and what we can do without. I've been waiting for this for months and I have to pinch myself to realize that it is actually happening.

With all of the excitement of Brighton starting and the staff that we do have, there has been a surprising amount of pain caused by the staff that we don't have. I knew that saying no to wonderful girls would be difficult, but I didn't realize that it would be this difficult. I have already learned much as Director. The biggest lesson learned is that I can't personally fix everyone's problems. As much as I love these girls, I can't take the hurt away. I can't place the responsibility on my weak shoulders, as much as I try to "bear one another's burdens." My lesson in the past two weeks is that bearing one another's burdens does not mean that I have the power to solve them. I only have the power to send them to the source that can lift their pain. I have felt the Savior's love in a completely different capacity than I ever have before, and for that, I am grateful.

The past few weeks have definitely been a rollercoaster, but I wouldn't trade it. Life is still amazing, even with little hiccups every now and again.

Disclaimer: This post was written to distract myself from reading at my desk. Heidi brought me down my own FREE copy of a book that is coming out through Deseret Book next month and I know once I crack the binding, I won't be able to put it down. Then, there were multiple free books up in the break room that were up for grabs. Guess what I'm doing every spare moment for the next few days... :)

Remember how much I love my job? Free books and just because? Yes, please!


  1. Jenny...I just love you. I am so glad that things are going well and that life is exciting and full of great adventures. It is good to live a little and enjoy doing it. Keep on having fun my dear and being who you are.

  2. I just love this post. Also, you just left and I feel like between real you and blog you, I am all caught up. What a wonderful night! Also, when I went to comment I scrolled too far down and saw that lovely picture of us from my wedding. Wow. I'm so glad my face looks like that sometimes...
