Wednesday, March 14, 2012

awkward and awesome


- My house needed a new roof. Therefore, my parents have been in contact with a company called Jasper Roofing for a few weeks now. Yesterday, we had our entire roof re-shingled. (Actually, it was re-everything-ed.) It wasn't all that bad except for the pounding, the walls shaking, the loud footsteps above my head, the Spanish that I couldn't understand, and the fact that we have a sky light in our bathroom. All my childhood fears of someone being able to see me through that skylight were realized in one morning. Allow me to clarify: I don't think the man saw me, but I most definitely saw him. The whistling above my head whilst getting ready for work was enough to shake me to the core. For the first time ever, it was a relief to leave my house. Yesterday morning was the epitome of awkward.

- Is there a possibility that there is a full moon tonight? Because all the crazies came out of the woodwork this afternoon. A man waltzed into the lobby claiming that we must be 15 E South Temple. Please look at the large numbers on the front of the doors, sir. We are not. I attempted to keep my cool and guide him in the right direction, but that seemed to frazzle him further. He decided he was going to ride the elevator until he found his contact. I asked if he had a key card and was authorized to ride the elevator because we are a secure building and the only way that you get up the elevator is through me. Well, you can imagine, I was not the high light in his afternoon. Still, I feel satisfied that I didn't let him pass me. Sir, I'm tough. Deal with it.

- When I talk on the phone, I feel super awkward. I was talking to a new staff member for Brighton and she laughed and laughed. I wasn't necessarily trying to be funny, but my mind runs like crazy and my mouth usually follows it. I hope she doesn't think I'm certifiably insane...


- For all you romantics out there, especially romantic readers, I just found you the greatest book. It is a must read! It will be published next month through Shadow Mountain. Do you remember when I posted so that I would distract myself from reading? Well, this is that book. Let me tell you, it is a good thing I waited as long as I did. This past weekend, I didn't want to do anything else.
Watch out for Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson.

Here is the book trailer. I watched it and it made me giggle as I saw the Utah version of England resides in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. The accent wasn't the most believable either, but don't let that dissuade you from reading. If I could find a man like that, I'd consider myself a lucky girl.

- Have you ever noticed that your voice changes when you talk about sacred things? This past Sunday, I was asked to give the closing prayer. I didn't think much of it until a friend told me he had to open his eyes to make sure that it really was me talking. And I think it's awesome.

- Sitting at the reception desk has a few perks. Every now and again, I'm offered free food. Most times, it is a cookie from Hagermann's that other associates don't want to eat. [Side note: you should try Hagermann's chocolate chip cookie! At least that is what I think it is called. It has oatmeal in it, so it may have a different name, but it's delicious! Not as good as the Dutch Chocolate, because, like my Oma always says, "You ain't much if you ain't Dutch!" Just so happens, I'm half Dutch. ;) ]
Back to my story- A few days ago, Keith came through the lobby and offered me his chocolate chip cookie from lunch. Turned out that he was given two for the price of one, so I suddenly had two cookies on my hands. I ate one, but had the other just sitting on my desk, tempting me. Cory walked through after a meeting and I asked him if he would like it. He surprised me by taking it. My small act has now turned into "our thing" because yesterday, he came all the way down to the lobby to offer me his extra cookies from a meeting. I asked him, "You came all the way down here to offer me a cookie?" He said, "Well, you were so nice yesterday, I thought I would return the favor." I always knew I liked him. There is a great bunch of people that I have the privilege to work with, but Cory is among my favorites.

- Brighton's Welcome Party is THIS SATURDAY! I'm super excited! And then today, suddenly, I got really nervous. Shoot! I'm Director?

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