Thursday, December 22, 2011

awkward and awesome

I found this on a blog and thought it was completely entertaining. Here is my first post as an Awkward and Awesome follower:


- Celebrating after receiving a substantial tip today right before the guest walked in the back and heard the whole thing....whoops.

- Quote from work today: "Jenny, you just need to flip over!" (symbolic of course)

- (Story from a few days ago, but still awkward. And at the Joe. Interesting.) Last week, I was working as captain to a 50th Wedding Anniversary on the 9th floor with my friends surrounding me. I was responsible for making up a buffet table and the pressure was getting to me. I ran into the room next door to me to get an opinion on where to put rolls in an already uber-crowded table when I saw my friend, Tiffanee. She worked at the Joe awhile but quit at the start of the summer to be part of an internship. She came by to visit and just happened to be in the room when I walked in. She hugged me and asked how I was, to which I answered, "I'm a little stressed." Of course, I forgot why I walked into the room and started to back out, backwards. The other thing you need to know is that the 9th floor has rooms separated by columns out in the hallway. There I was, backing out without paying attention to where I was going, when I turned to head back to my room and ran, head on, into said pillar! Yes, yours truly ran into the wall. And not only that, my friends saw the whole thing.

- having to turn away to gain control of myself while laughing. Trust me, that could have been VERY awkward.

- trading shifts. That is never anything but awkward...


- learning my fortune according to utensils and a candlestick. Thanks Meish!

- Meish's "Gypsy Dance" that included falling off his chair. "It's all part of the dance!"

- happy guests that decide to leave a hefty tip

- peppermint tootsie roll pops

- Straight No Chaser! Where have these guys been all my life?

- after the previous awkward story, Jordan coming into the room and asking, "Did that just happen???"

- visiting sisters with Miranda and Whitney

- laughing so hard that both my face and my stomach hurt

- the Christmas lights covering the houses in a nearby neighborhood

- "sprinkles!"

- some boys I know

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