Monday, May 7, 2012

awkward and AWESOME

I hope you look forward to these posts as much as I do. Isn't life wonderful and funny and heartbreaking and exhilarating and.....a million other things all at the same time???

-story: A few days ago while working, some surprise visitors came in to see an office associate. It was to be a surprise so I was sure not to mention any names. While on the phone calling said associate, I forgot what I was doing. Sometimes my brain and my mouth don't communicate and strange things happen. i don't know if this happens to any of you, but it happens to me ALL THE TIME! Dang-it. Still holding the phone but looking at the man waiting, I say, "Just a moment..." to the associate and then hang up while she is figuring out what the heck just happened.What I meant to say was, "See you in a second..." or something more intelligible that "Just a moment..." Luckily, she came down and quickly forgot about how much of a dork I am. The receptionist lingo is getting the better of me!

- There are times when I say things before I realize what the impact will be like in the previous story. I keep thinking it would be a good thing if I kept my mouth shut. Sadly, that would be far less entertaining for all of you.

- After Stake Conference, we had a Mix and Mingle. Huzzah for mingling. No huzzahs for not knowing how to mingle. I tried. I promise. And I almost got the nerve up to go and talk to a few "bros....brothers....brethren?" while I was wandering around. Almost. But I just felt awkward so I went home.

-Yesterday, we had our last Brighton orientation. Sad day. Have I mentioned how much I love my staff? They are amazingly wonderful! After the orientation, a few of my dear friends were asking me if I would like to be set up for Date Night. Now, don't get me wrong. I am always up to meet new people and I really like to date. But...apparently I am a little older than I look.  When I confessed to being the old age of 24, their mouths dropped. "You don't look a day over 20!" Well, thank you? Shame that all that wisdom of four years doesn't show.


-The tulips are out in Temple Square! I love spring!

-PreCamp Week for Brighton starts five weeks from today! Five weeks! It feels forever away and then I realize all the things that I need to get ready before that time and I begin to wish I had another three. Workshops are awesome and I am learning so much about myself and how I will be asked to grow this summer. It is going to be fantastic!

-Sadly, sacrifices must be made so that I can have this wonderful adventure known as Brighton Director. I only have a month left at my favorite place of DB. Still, the people that I have met and with whom I continue to rub shoulders make all the difference. Friends in HR have been talking about what I will be doing come August. I still don't have a guaranteed position and that is okay. But yesterday at Stake Conference, President Cutler said, "When you are doing what you are supposed to be and serving the Lord with everything you have, things work out." It was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank heavens for an awesome Stake Presidency that make stake conference enjoyable and say the words I need to hear.

-Personally awesome: I am wearing khakis today that I didn't think fit me! And they even look pretty good! Maybe the gym IS paying off....(read in a whisper. I don't want to jinx anything.)

-Brighton Workshop on Saturday was a hit! Stories to come :)

-I finally got the cd player at work to allow me to change music. After last week, that is a huge feat. The miracle is that I didn't have to resort to kicking the blasted thing. Don't you love when technology has an attitude? I surely do...

-Little Mel is turning 18 tomorrow!!!! 18?!?!? Man! I'm getting old. She is most excited to be able to go and buy dry ice.

-Red is going to be on HKi staff next year! That is so exciting for me. My lil' sis is following in my footsteps. I can't wait to share with you what she writes for the school newspaper. It is gonna be good!

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