Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Aujourd'hui....je suis tres fatigue!!!

I don't know what it is about my body but if I stay up any later than midnight, I struggle to get to sleep at all. It's like it gets recharged when it should be ready to shut off! So then I feel my body go to sleep but my mind keeps going all over the place. It is the funniest feeling. Then- all of today I feel out of it. Super!
Why you ask? Why did I do this to myself even when I know that this is what happens? Because randomly, I have a masochistic streak. I was working all day to be ahead of schedule and not procrastinate and because I was being a good little girl, I lost sleep, jeopardizing all of today. It's not like I'm not stressed enough already. Hopefully I can wake up enough to make a good impression at a job interview!

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